Our New Email! dochemp@shasta.com Any email to us will be considered as public domain and may be placed in one of our reading rooms But, we will gladly remove any email from there too. Please don't email me with dental problems as I cannot diagnose over the internet.

This and our other 1000 pages are an archived journal for our family, friends, (our patients) and other like hobby heads these past 10 years. Info, humor, music, fun, photos. Not for advice or diagnosis! This is all my opinion only! .... Our web sites best viewed with A sense of humor! And an updated Browser.

Doc Hemp's Dental Email Reading Room 2

We post very few emails anymore .... but please send them ... we read them all and try to respond to them all, be it a short thankyou mostly .... hope you have enjoyed our wild and crazy site. Hope you have had a few laughs ... and learned not to take yourself too seriously! Remember .... "life is a terminal illness" ... another Doc Hemp original quote. And may I finish with "Make some room to play .... Every Day!"


Subject: cerec newbie Date: Fri, 23 May 2003 17:12:00 +0000 From: "ak sue" asue_@hotmail.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net

As a new cerec user and new grad, I had come across your website for some information. I ended up not only reading on all you had to offer on cerecs but all the additional information and philosophy as well. It was a fantastic read, extremely entertaining and enjoyable.

I am a dentist practising in Western Australia and it was such a coincidence to come across the link you had placed with the humerous story of the Cerec Powder Fiasco by one Jane Archer. I am currently working at the practise in WA that Jane used to be a part of before she left for the States. A million miles away yet such a freak coincidence.

Anyways, just to let you know I enjoyed your website immensely!! I hope to enjoy dentistry as much as you do in my late career. Many Thanks,

Subject: Re: thanks Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 17:49:32 -0500 From: "Dr. Jeffrey Dorfman" jeffrey.dorfman@verizon.net To: "C. David Hemp DDS INC" dochemp@c-zone.net References: 1 , 2

Hey DocHemp, You are hysterical. Thanks for the laughs (and the link - it's an honor). Nice Rolls! What year? I bet you do the work yourself, right? I pretty much think, or write, dentistry 24/7 unless I am playing with my 9 month-old daughter or boating.
My wife understands my obsessions...
I occasionally visit your site for a late night crack up when I am writing.
Subject: thanks Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2002 23:39:40 -0500 From: "Dr. Jeffrey Dorfman" jdorfman@nyc.rr.com To: dochemp@dochemp.com

Hi Doc,
Your site still makes me smile.

Dr. Jeffrey Dorfman
18 East 50th Street - Penthouse C
(Between Fifth and Madison Avenues)
New York, NY 10022 USA

Assistant Professor, Columbia University School of Dental & Oral Surgery Associate Professor, New York University College of Dentistry
Subject: Re: sensitivity in crown preps Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2001 15:31:40 EST From: RBertolott@aol.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net,

Dear David and Bruce,
In a message dated 10/27/2001 7:03:05 AM Pacific Standard Time, dochemp@c-zone.net writes: >>>>>>
Bruce, I am sending this to ray bertolotti too ... he will have the more modern way ... the glass ionomer way, etc. .. i really admire Ray and try to go to one of his lectures every year if possible ... but we all have our ways of doing things and no one has all the answers even though some think they do ... Ray and i respect and help each other ... but we understand that certain things just don't work in our hands like they do in others. ... ... ...... This is only meant as a suggestion .... and is my way ... maybe not the best way ... but my patients love it and i have no problems with it at all ... Now let's see what Ray Bertolotti has to say about the technical aspect of your letter ... >>

Thanks for the kind comments Dave. You certainly are on target in your techniques. I do it a bit differently now but as we both know, there is not just one "right way" to do a job.

Bruce, your technique sounds like info assembled from multiple sources that don't coordinate. I suggest you find a mentor like Dave and learn from success.

I will point out the problems I see in what you describe. Please see www.adhesion.com for some further info along the lines of what you are trying to accomplish.

Bruce wrote:

Dr Hemp, I have been having significant sensitivity on crown prepped teeth. I'll outline my technique so you can help me. Teeth are prepped for crown impressions. I swab Concepsis (Ultradent product) and leave it on the tooth. >>

possible problem since Consepsis reduces bond strength typically 30-40% and presumably interferes with the seal also. I suggest a subscription to Reality (www.Realityesthetics.com) since it usually is first to point out such problems and it is a reliable source of info.

I then rub Cuttrol on the gingival tissue with an infuser tip, always being careful to keep the tooth moist. >>

big problem! Cutrol is very acidic, it etch opens tubules. It's pH is well below pH1. I measured a competitive product Astringedent at pH 0.9 but my friends tell me that Cutrol is even more acidic ( I heard pH 0.1) . The basic rule is that strong acids used before a weaker acid (ex. phosphoric, pH 1.4) destroy the action of the weaker etch. In the case of Liner Bond 2V, I measured pH 2.5.

then rinse thoroughly to remove any Cuttrol. This always stops any bleeding (I'm amazed). >>

yes, excellent hemostatic but the tooth surface now has wide open tubules. Then I isolate the tooth with cotton rolls and place a layer of Linerbond 2V primer over the entire prep--blot and dry slightly. >>

2V is a great product but unfortunately destroyed by the previous stronger etching. It relies on infiltrating the smars plugs for success. The Cutrol removed the plugs.

I then place the bonding layer on the prep and light cure. We proceed with the impression, make SNAP acrylic temporaries, and cement with IRM cement. >>

IRM has a great potential to interfere with subsequent bonding, due to its eugenol content. The weak anesthetic properties of eugenol explains the temporary lack of sensitivity.

The patients usually have little or no sensitivity during the temporary phase. When we remove the temps 2 weeks later most have significant sensitivity at the gingival 1/3 area.>>

the open tubules explain this one.

We place several layers of microprime to decrease the sensitivity. >>

That may help but probably is not a total solution. I developed Microprime to enhance total etch systems, not self-etchers like 2V. The eugenol may inhibit its action.

go) This usually decreases the sensitivity. Sometimes I have to anesthetize the teeth before cementing. I then isolate the tooth with cotton rolls and rub the prepped tooth with a wet cottom roll followed by a dry cotton roll. If the prep is still wet interproximally I use short air bursts to dry before cementing with Vitremer luting cement. Several of these teeth retain sensitivity and I am not sure why. >>

tubules past the margin.

Perhaps the primer layer is blowing the dentinal tubules open and the adhesive layer is not flowing into these areas to seal them. Perhaps the cuttrol is getting rubbed into the tubules and creating a permanent irritation. Perhaps I should use Gluma instead of Microprime. The last 2 weeks I started using Parkell's Touch & Bond to replace the Clearfil Linerbond. It is a 4-META product that is light cured and placed in one application.>>

be very careful to avoid using light cure adhesives under self curing ones, this sounds like a classic error scenario which will result in microleakage. Be sure to pumice those very well before cementing and stop using until you verify its OK.

I will start seeing the results in about 1 week when I start cementing the crowns on the teeth that I have used this material on. It seems that there should be a way to desensitize crown preps reliably and consistently. I will appreciate your evaluation and suggestions. for better dentistry,
Bruce >>

Bruce, see my web site adhesion.com; on the newsletters is exactly what you need.


Subject: bondodontics Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2001 16:25:00 -0800 From: "Neil Priske" neilski@earthlink.net To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Great stuff.
I placed my first adhesion bridge in 1955. I didn't know what I was doing: Lingual overlays on 7 and 9 with a Steeles facing replacing 8. Washed the enamel with Ames cement liquid and cemented with Ames. Had to recement every few years though. Patient had an anterior open bite, so it worked out O.K.

What is that music?


Neil ... sounds like you were ahead of your time ... looks like it was a ZNP04 bridge .... you must have had some nice parallel grooves too?

Subject: Nice website Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 19:13:36 -0400 From: "Aaron Aue" aue.3@osu.edu To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Dear Dr. Hemp,
I was just wasting time on my computer when I searched for intraoral camera pics and found your site and was really impressed. I am starting my second year of dental school tomorrow at Ohio State. I spent about 45 minutes looking all over your site. I enjoyed your advice for dental students. The pics from the Eiffel tower are pretty cool too. That is some zoom on your camera. This summer I worked as an assistant for a dentist in order to learn more about the lifestyle and the business side of dentistry. It was a good experience and I had my first hands on experience with an intraoral camera. I have attached two pictures I took that were quite a challenge to produce. Lots of gagging occured but it was definately worth it. By the way, these are digital pics of the actual printouts so quality isn't great.

Take care,
Aaron D. Aue (pronounced owie as in "ouch i have an owie")

Subject: Cool Website!! Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2001 20:23:14 -0700 From: "Christopher Becker" capnmo@worldnet.att.net To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Dear Anh,
This came in while I was sitting here on the computer .... Thank You for the kind words .... dentistry can be a wonderful career if one can look one's self in the mirror every night and feel you have done your best for your patients .... if you keep your standards high and walk don't run thru your career you will love it. Don't ever let the insurance companies dictate your level of care .. there are those out there that want that custom quality care. .. if your are true to yourself they will find you as they have us.
Congratulations to you, your husband and your mentor ... if the website helps inspire even one person it is worth the time we spent putting it all together.
kindest of Regards,
Dave (Doc) and Becky Hemp


Dear Doc and Mrs. Hemp,

I love your website!! I really enjoyed the "dental students only" section. Your principles are inspirational and refreshing. Your ethical dentistry beliefs are almost identical to my Boss of Floss (my mentor). I didn't know if I would ever encounter another like him, but now I know there are some, but few. I will be attending Tufts Dental School in the fall and I am open to any advice and guidance. I am from Southern California and will be returning to practice here.

You and Mrs. Hemp look like you have a great life and time together. I am married to a wonderful man and I can only hope that we will continue to enjoy each other's company as much as the both of you.

Anh Thu Becker

Tom & Cindy Hellinger wrote:

Hello, I received your website address from my orthodontist and have really enjoyed reading. Lots of info. I have a question. I am a 43 year old (girl at heart) that has some silver fillings from when I was about 12-13 yrs. old. My dentist is wanting to replace them with the white resin. I am not having any problems with them however, he seems to think that because of some darker areas around the fillings that there might be some leakage and he has found some very small cracks in the tooth. But, I am not having any trouble with them.. I am wondering if he is just wanting to replace them for some extra bucks. He has been a great dentist for my kids, but I Have just started with him. I am not convinced about these resin fillings to replace what I have. What would your opinion be on replacing these older fillings with the new resin?

>>>>>>>>In my opinion ... Don't Replace them .... never! ... unless you are allergic to the amalgam it's self. They get bigger & weaker each time they are replaced & if the white fillings are not put in perfectly and bonded in with a perfect total seal you will have moderate to extreme sensitivity. When they absolutely NEED replacing and they don't show ... replace them one at a time as necessary and in amalgam again ... also .. the white fillings don't inhibit decay around them like the silver amalgam fillings do.

I am having trouble with a porcelain crown that I received about 9 years ago. It is on my lower right side last molar and it has been hurting around the gumline with a throbbing pain for quite some time now. There is no bleeding just a dull ache around the crown itself. I had it x-rayed to determine if there was decay underneath the crown that would be causing the pain, but there does not appear to be decay from the x-ray. The tooth is still alive, because it is sensitive. I am not just ready to jump right in to have another put on, they are expensive, but if I thought that I could trust someone to do it right, I might go ahead and have it replaced. What do you suggest?

>>>>>>>>Have the bite checked ... it is probably high .. have some of the porcelain ground off .... see if it doesn't improve .. if not ... you may need a root canal ... if it indeed is a porcelain chewing surface, they had to cut a ton of tooth off the chewing surface just to put porcelain where no one will ever see it ... that alone (by my observations) causes approximately 30% of these type crowned teeth to die within 12 years. (have an Endodontist test it) .... Also ... your orthodontist can check and adjust the bite if necessary ... He must be a cool guy if he referred you to our site (grin)

Doc Hemp

I would appreciate any feedback that you might have on this. It is getting worse and now my right ear (side the crown is on) is hurting and all the time.
Thank you.

Subject: Thanks and OK Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 15:31:50 -0700 From: George Stratton gstratton@nols.org To: "'dochemp@c-zone.net'"

Thanks for all the useful info on your site. I found it while doing a low x-ray search on the Web. When the Web didn't turn up anyone, I finally found a dental supply outfit that was able to tell me about one dentist in this area who is in the process of buying digital equipment and one who has switched to high speed film. I thought I was going to have to go to Victoria. I'd come to you, but the ride to Redding is a little long. I use to teach in Enterprise (in a previous life time) so I know the way.

George Stratton, Director
North Olympic Library System

"Happiness is a very small desk and a very large wastebasket"
Robert Orben
Subject: it's an exquisite site ! Date: Sun, 24 Dec 2000 04:48:45 +0500 From: "fawad javed" fawadjk@hotmail.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Dear Dr.Hemp,

My name is Dr.Fawad Javed and I discovered your site through different search engines.

It's a marvellous and an exquisite site. Keep it up doctor !

Yours sincerely,
Dr.Fawad Javed. ________________
Subject: Great Site Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 23:49:51 -0600 From: "Keith Knudson" keithk@mhtc.net To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Kudos to both of you for a great site.

You also gave me a great response to those who question my sanity for buying a HD Road King Classic. "but it is better to risk dying living, than to live one's entire life dying!"

Hope to see you on the road some day,

Keith Knudson, D.D.S.
Keith practices in Platteville, Wisc. ...... It's in the SW corner of the state tucked in between Iowa and Illinois. A mere 3 hour ride to the Harley capital of the world, Milwaukee.
Subject: Re:greetings from Prishtina -Kosova Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 14:59:54 +0100 From: "jjdsdsds" dugi_@hotmail.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net

I would like to say hello to you and i can say this is something very interestin(amazing). I'm a young dentist from Kosovaand i would like to contact the other collegaues from this site. Congratullationsabout everything in this site and i will vrite you very sooon.

Good luck from Prishtina-Kosova
Subject: super web site - greetings from germany Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2001 10:38:55 +0100 From: "Andermann electronic GmbH" maraposa@gmx.de To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Hello Dave and Becky,

my name is Helge Andermann and I`m working in my own company and at the moment I`m building Web- Sites for dentist in Germany. By this doing I´m finding your web- sites and I will say by this mail that they are great. Excuse me for my bad english.
Ok- greetings from " Good Old Germany"

Helge Andermann
e-mail: maraposa@gmx.de

Subject: Great Great Site!! Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2001 22:07:58 -0800 From: Steve Geib stevesummers@earthlink.net To: dochemp@c-zone.net

I am a Denture technician with 33yrs in the profession. I did a search for "Digital Dentistry" and your site was one of the hits. Hell, it was the BEST hit...all the others had information about stuff, but yours is alive! Thank you for being an oasis of humanity and a genuine person amid the 'profession' we know as dentistry. I have had the pleasure of knowing too few dentists who didn't believe they were 'above' it all, and us. Thank you for the laughter and the rekindling of my own twisted spirit. Thank you for your ability to put together such a wonderful presentation. It obviously reflects a very confident, successful, and happy person. Hats off to you and your wife. If you ever find yourself in the Monterey Bay, Ca., Please give me a call. I'd love to shake your hand and tell you "Thank You" in person.

Steve Geib, CDT
Subject: Compliments Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2000 03:12:10 -0000 From: "Flavio Morosi" flmorosi@tin.it Organization: E.M.S. To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Dear Dr.Hemp,

I'm an Italian dentist and discovered your site through search engines.

Many compliments for your site, your works and for your spirit.

Flavio Morosi
Subject: Buffering with Sodium Bicarbonate Date: Sat, 04 Nov 2000 09:51:05 -0800 From: Tim Nugent timnug@pacbell.net Organization: Pacific Bell Internet Services To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Dear Dr. Dave,

I came to visit your site to learn more about buffering local anesthetics; however, yur sight whuz the mostest funnest sight Eye'v bin on in quiet awhyle. He-He! There's something for your E-Bonics philosophy. I am merely a nurse with an associate's degree, 1 1/2-2 years to go for my B.S. Nursing degree. I'm maintaining my extremely high GPA as I wish to get into a nurse anesthetist program. I'd read about buffering locals, and was interested in the hows and whys. If I was 20 years younger, I'd go for an M.D. or D.D.S. and beg to apprentice/clerk with you. From the photos it seems you have a very good hand, and you have patients---not customers! I was a waiter/captain in very nice restaurants for approx. 20 years, it's the same as having guests---not customers in that trade. You spread God's love around quite nicely!

Your eclectic hobby page was a joy to view as well. My current project is restoring a '56 Chrysler Imperial which I'll have to tow down here to Fresno from the backroads of Nevada City/Grass Valley...that's a project in itself!

Thanks for all the info. and the education, also the info. on how to select a good dentist. Mine retired and now I have a problem with a cracked #5, I hate to have to go shopping around, but I'm not going down the street to the Western Dental Doc in the Box. Heck, these chommpers have to last another 43 years!

Ciao for now,

Tim Nugent
Subject: Great Site, Doc! Date: Wed, 1 Nov 2000 21:30:54 -0600 From: "Dr. Tim Hart" drhart@drhart.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net

You've done a great job on your site, Doc. I liked your philosophies about having humor in the office, avoiding nitrous, etc; and I enjoyed reading your take on implants. I am a prosthodontist in Wisconsin, and while I do not personally perform the surgeries, I am in a two practice building, the other side being an oral surgeon... and I ALWAYS attend the implant surgery. I cant over emphasize how much a non-surgical guy like me learns when being constantly exposed to the surgical procedures involved with my treatment plans.

If you get a chance, I'd appreciate your comments about my site (which, like you, I wrote personally)..it's nowhere as extensive at yours, but I did try to put in some patient friendly information about implants into it. If you would like to put mutual links to our sites, let me know.d .. www.drhart.com .. (click here)

Again, great site! And be sure to VOTE ON TUESDAY...it's getting really close where you are...

Tim Hart

Tim ...
Thanks for the kind words .... your site is very good .... I have linked to it from our dental part of our Cool Links Room .. placed it up front and in a direct click up from your email message placed in our dental reading room 2. I especially like the fact that you are there to personally see that the implant is placed in the proper alignment ... the reason for almost all failures when the forces of physics are compromised.

I hardly ever have time anymore to place emails in the 25 different reading rooms ... this one is very constructive and your site will enlighten many of our readers wondering just what an implant is, without all the high pressure rhetoric of an implant everywhere regardless of bone availability and implant position.


As you suggested a reciprocal link would be appreciated

Kindest of Regards,

C. David Hemp DDS INC ... or just ole
Doc Hemp .. of the "Hell's Hempsters"
Subject: News Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2000 22:58:12 +0200 From: doc.mike@t-online.de (Dr. Horst Michael Birkhoff) To: "dochemp" dochemp@c-zone.net

Dear Beckster & Hempster,

it´s been raining and cold for three weeks now in northern Europe, while southern Europe is suffering extreme heat with big fires etc. ... those darn Alps keep the warm air from getting up to us!

A lot of things have happened during those last months. With the advent of Cerec3 in spring, Cerec has got a real big push. The new machine is windows based, features both a laser scanner and an improved optical camera and produces restorations with an accuracy of 25microns. Veneers can be cut out with half a millimeter thickness, with structure (like "mamellons etc.) carved right in - just bond and polish! I have become a Cerec trainer, giving courses to other dentists (even had two U.S.dentists here take a course here at my office! Another one from New York will visit in autumn, hee-hee!).

So far I have placed more than 1400 Cerec restorations. I have founded a joint venture with Dr.David Lawler from Indiana, selling the PowderMeister all over Europe. I am also producing and selling my own training CD ROM for Cerec now. Hundreds of dentists on the whole world are doing their Cerec construction using a new technique called "Birkhoff-Effect", hee-hee!

I have been asked to join the board of officers at the DGCZ (which is the German Association of Computerized Dentistry) - and I have been invited to national and international meetings, among them the annual meeting of the Canadian Academy of Computerized Dentistry in Vancouver/Canada in late September/early october - from where we intend to rent a car and drive to sunny California!

The reason why I am writing this is because I want to thank you! When I visited you for the first time in 1998, I was despaired about the socialist environment in which I was working.

Watching you and Terry in your offices gave me that BIG push (one could also say kick into the butt) to change my situation. Hempster, I was totally impressed by your spirit, your independance from insurances and your way to treat your patients! When I got back to Germany, the first thing I did was to buy a Cerec machine. Then, I have tried to incorporate as much as possible of what I saw into my own practice. In fact, I´m still working on it! Without doubt, today I am able to provide better dentistry to my own patients, thanks to what I saw in California.

Today, I am almost completely independant from the National Health system. I am still dreaming about practicing in the United States (if I could only get my family going!), but there is no longer a financial need for it.

Thanks again, my friend! Hope all is going well in California! Is your left arm doing better? Looking forward to see you and Becky in october!

Subject: I enjoyed Your site :-) Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2000 23:56:21 +0200 From: "Dr. Bikfalvi Istvan" bikfalvi@elender.hu To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Dear Collegue "DocHemp" !

Congratulations for Your amazing, funny,informative and good homepage, and for the fantastic music ! I speak through when I say that Your site is one of my favourites sites. I am a 27 year old hungarian dentist practising in a private praxis in Budapest/Hungary, so please escuse me for my poor english :-)

Dave, a lot of the music on Your homepage is my favourite. Do You agree me to use these numbers on my homepage ? I`ll be very happy :)))))

Thanks again for this site !

Dr. Istvan Bikfalvi
dentist, GP
bikfalvi @elender.hu

Subject: Re: I enjoyed Your site :-) Date: Tue, 4 Jul 2000 02:39:46 +0200 From: "Dr. Bikfalvi Istvan" bikfalvi@elender.hu To: "dochemp" dochemp@c-zone.net References: 1 , 2

That`s a quick response ! Thanks for it. Here is 2.30 AM - so I must sleep a little until morning. I am listening to Your music for more than 4 hours ununterruptedly :-) I will write soon ... Do You had a long day ?

With best regards,


P.s.: You can see a few photos of me at www.elender.hu/~bikfalvi/kivagyoken.htm . That is my dental homepage, too (in hungarian).

Subject: Web-Site Date: Wed, 03 May 2000 16:46:46 GMT From: "J. Thomas" jade_thomas1@hotmail.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Very cool site. I am a first year (almost second) dental student at The University of Tennessee/Memphis. I hope after 4 years of pure hell and a few more years of 65% overhead I still have my twisted sense of humor and the time to show it. I've been thinking about top-less assistants that will work for tips only. It that a marketing strategy or what? Should get the overhead down a little.


>>>>>>>>>> Jade .... that is a very Titilatting thought! ... Good Luck ..... It is all worth it!!
Dave (Doc) Hemp
Subject: News? Date: Wed, 3 May 2000 08:49:57 +0200 From: doc.mike@t-online.de (Dr. Horst Michael Birkhoff) To: "C. David Hemp DDS Inc."

Hey dear Becky and Dave,

how are things in Redding/CA??? Just returned from a one-week trip to the Black forest with Brigitte and the kids. I put the Harley on a trailer (yes, I´ve got one now, hee-hee!) and we visited friends who own Harleys, too. So while the wifes were shopping, Rüdiger and I were cruising the black forest! We also had some fine weather (but it´s raining now... again!) with temps in the 80s!!!

I have been so busy in those last few months that I didn´t even have the time to work on my motorcycles. Well, this one week has given me kind of a break... back to Cerec now!

Hope you are doing well! Greetinx to everyone who knows me, hee-hee!

Subject: Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2000 12:06:03 +0100 From: "Ordination Dr. Brücke" ordination@bruecke.at To: dochemp@c-zone.net

congratulations to your nice site!
greetings from a dentist in austria
Dr. Johannes Brücke
FA für Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde
FA für Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie
Spittelwiese 6 (ARKADE) A-4020 Linz
Tel.: +43-732-793979, Fax DW 2
Fax: +43-732-793979-2

Subject: dental friends Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2000 00:42:22 -0800 From: "Brenda" bs5757@netzero.net To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Hello Dave & Becky,

I came across dental friends by accident. I work and live in Huntington Beach, CA,

working as office manager for a general dentist.

Your web page is great!!


Subject: Greetings and questions from Germany Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2000 15:12:05 +0100 From: "Andreas Scheidmeir" andreas.scheidmeir@vr-web.de To: dochemp@c-zone.net


I´m a dentist from Germany, looking for some imformation about false gingiva. A internet search finally brought me to your interesting and cute homepage.
But I still have some questions. So I would like to know what kind of material you use (soft or hard plastic)? How do you fix the false gingiva to the teeth
(just by using the natural adhesion or does the patient have to use glue)?

Thanks for answering soon - and greetings from Germany

Dr. Andreas Scheidmeir

PS.: Last year in August we were in Sturgis - never seen so many Harleys at one place, it was absolutely impressing!
Andreas, We use hard Plastic with natural adhesion .... just wrap it to the mesial of the first molar ... it must be thinned and fit after coming back from the lab ... Be sure they keep the model it was made on .... they can break easily if misused and can only be repaired on the original model which if the patient saves it we only charge the lab bill to repair it.
Regards, Dave Hemp DDS
Subject: Ur stories Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2000 19:42:25 -0700 From: Chet Moore chet@shasta.com To: "Dave (Doc) & Becky Hemp DDS Inc. ... Email =" dochemp@c-zone.net

Dave -

You got the best damn stories on the Internet! We love them! - and, of course, they get forwarded to a very long list of e-mailers.
Joyce and I so enjoyed our short visit - I had no idea of your accomplishments - even starting in dental school! that must have been a real blast - I always thought those Loma Linda professors were staid and elegant etc. - you proved (with your trick photography movie) they were O.K. guys! I still say you missed your profession.
And, thanks again for your friendship - it really means a lot to this 'ol man! - Chet

Note: Chet is one of the finest dentists I have ever had the privilege of knowing .... he was president of the So. CA dental society, worked with the Creme de la Creme of the dental profession over the years. He is a magnificent musician on the Keyboard and Saxaphone. I really value your friendship Chet!
Subject: Please reply... Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2000 01:59:44 -0700 (MST) From: Dave dpoore@netzone.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Hi, my name is David Poore (we both have last names that bring a certain something to mind...yours much different than mine...for sure).
The reason I'm writing, is that your site is so zany! It's amazing...a real live dentist who's also a walking 3 ring circus, hehe. Very good stuff on the site!
There's a few things I'd like to mention. Perhaps you could use them on your site!
When I was 12 years old...and on Father's Day of all days, I fell off my bike and landed teeth first on the asphalt. It's a fairly long story which maybe you can use. It's at the bottom, labeled 'Fairly Long Story'.

Something I'd like you to consider is linking to my car's site. It's a crazy and humorous site. You can show what a car would look like it was a set of teeth and was neglected. It would be a real hoot! http://www.netzone.com/~dpoore/car.htm

Now it's time to lose a lot of points on your respect scale...I'm a smoker. What's worse? At my last dental visit, I found that there's a thing on my gums called something like 'lukeoplakia'. Do you know anything about it? The dentists said it was a form of pre-cancer. I couldn't find anything online. How is it spelled? Will vitamin C help? Drinking lots of water? Should I get a biopsy? Will it kill me? Will it eat my face? Any input would be appreciated!

Thanks for your time,

Fairly Long Story

I was twelve. It was Father's Day. My sister and I rode our bikes to the local swim club as we had many times before....but not too many times after that come to think of it. We put our towels, tanning lotion, etc into one bag for convenience. My sister agreed to hold the bag on the way there if I'd hold it on the way back. When it was time to leave, I rode off without taking the bag of stuff I promised to take. I said, "Ah, hah, you have to carry the bag!". And I rode off, as fast as I could. It was a dirt bike, you know, the moto cross kind of bike. So here I am, riding with all my might, leaning way over the handlebars to reduce wind resistance, when, POW! My chain popped off of the back sprocket. This forced my coaster brake to come on. In an instant, I lost a tooth and fractured 2 more. Had a temorary cap until I turned 18, when i received a semi-permanent bridge. 20 years later, there's not a day that goes by that I'm not reminded of that day. Moral of the story? Be nice to people...even your sister!!!


Subject: My Poore Reply Date: Fri, 07 Jan 2000 08:45:37 -0800 From: dochemp dochemp@c-zone.net Organization: C. David Hemp DDS Inc. To: Dave dpoore@netzone.com References: 1


Dear Dave ....
thanks for the kind words and the great story .... will use it ... check later in dental reading room 2 .... Leukoplakia ... can be a precancerous condition ... it is usually the red areas in it that are more dangerous than the white as that is where the Dysplasia (pre-cancer) usually starts ... it is difficult to biopsy all of it ... So .... The best way is to quit for 6 months .... and biopsy what ever is left ... Dysplasia if present will turn to cancer within 8 years usually. .. But Leukoplakia in general is way down on the scale of things to worry about .... Heck, you can look at the bright side there .. (grin) as 90% of all smokers usually die 15 - 20 years earlier than non smokers either from lung cancer, stroke, or heart disease .... I wouldn't worry too much about the Leukoplakia ... but above ... at www.ask.com = ask Jeeves ... there is a ton of stuff on it if it bothers you.

Kindest of Regards,
Another Dave .... or ... give anyone enough Hemp and they'll hang themselves ... or smoke it (grin)

Subject: powdermeister der siten Date: Sat, 08 Jan 2000 01:02:18 -0800 From: dochemp dochemp@c-zone.net Organization: C. David Hemp DDS Inc. To: lawler@kiva.net, "doc.mike@t-online.de"

Das ist de kulestin cerekistin websiten un der heimitland frum de deutchland toothen jockeymeisters di hist hass de pleasuren was bean watchin un der internetin! Kepin upin wass de gut workin on de choppers! YA YA YA?
Lookin fur linkster ein ur kule linkenstiener roomskin tu der cerec siten
Fum de gut docta,

Da Hempmeister

Subject: Re: powdermeister der siten Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2000 11:20:32 +0100 From: doc.mike@t-online.de (Dr. Horst Michael Birkhoff) To: "dochemp" dochemp@c-zone.net

Yeah! Hempster!!! Your German is improving more and more!!! (- and we are all lying on the floor, laughing!)

Subject: (no subject) Date: Sat, 25 Dec 1999 02:35:45 EST From: NUNEZAHUMASON@aol.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Dear Doc and Becky;

You guys are sure having a lot of fun. I'm enjoying keeping up with your adventures on the internet; when I get a chance.

I wanted to wish you both a Merry Christmas. I''ve had a hard time getting anymore e-mail thru to you folks from work because of some security thing. I had made initial contact with you and then you both had returned a message and I typed a couple of pages, but was unable to send it.

Perhaps you remember me, Mitch Humason, the dentist with the public health service in Kayenta, AZ. - indeed on the reservation.

Chat with you again soon (I hope)
Mitch Humason, DMD
Subject: Thanks! Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1999 17:34:47 -0700 From: Chet Moore chet@shasta.com To: "Dave (Doc) & Becky Hemp DDS Inc. ... Email =" dochemp@c-zone.net

Dear Dr. (other) Perfect - and lovely Becky

I so enjoyed your masterful demonstrations - not only technique, but new equipment, new compounds, and your suave manner in treating little Joyce!
Even meeting your daughter for the first time!
It was also nice being down the chain of command at your aid - with Sandy gone, I got to serve as 3rd assistant! Not too tuff just having to turn the water off!
Again many thanks - Chet
Subject: Thank You Date: Thu, 23 Dec 1999 01:33:15 -0500 (EST) From: hopeat365@webtv.net (Vincent D'Agostino) To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Dear Doc & Becky,

Thanks for your great car sites and for keeping the old ones alive and rolling... a tooth is a terrible thing to lose but the loss of any Studebaker would be a real tragedy!

Vince D'Agostino
New Milford, New Jersey

Subject: You Caught Me Masticating! Date: Thu, 23 Dec 1999 06:53:50 -0800 From: Mike and Sharon Valenzuela valenz@pacbell.net To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Dear Dave and Becky,

Yous guyz are kewl! I love yer website! Please keep up the good work!

Yer Fren,
Mike Valenzuela
San Jose, CA

Subject: greetings from Pakistan! Date: Tue, 07 Dec 1999 12:27:57 PST From: "shoaib khan" shabban@hotmail.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Dear Doc Hemp,
Greetings from a fellow dentist in Pakistan. I was searching the web for material on air abrasion when i came across your site and well, just got hooked to it from then on. first of all, i want to congratulate you on a great site , not only is it techinically well made, it is extremely interesting and informative for young dentists like me ( just graduated last year from a dental school here in Karachi , Pakistan). its also Damn funny :)
i also found it very encouraging to read that you worked and supported your self throughout your studies. i plan to come to the U.S. very soon for a post-doc course and hope to follow your example.
well guess i just felt like saying hi, you seem like a nice enough guy :) hope to gain more from your website , thanks again.

Dr. M. Shoaib Khan.

P.S. my regards to becky too :)
Subject: Re: Srbijanac Date: Thu, 04 Nov 1999 23:13:17 +0100 From: ALEKSANDAR KATIC kas@dreamyu.net Organization: DREAMNET To: dochemp@c-zone.net


Dear Doc Hemp,
I am work and live in contry Yugoslavia in republic Srbija.My town is 200km from capital Belgrade southeast and its call Trstenik.I finised dentrystry in 1984 and last 6 yearsI have been working in my practice.I have two practices one in Trstenik and another in Vrnjacka Banja .Vrnjacka Banja is wonderful places with much mineral water springs known from old Roman.Imperator Konstantin drik our woter.
My wife is Aleksandra (pharmaceut) and we have two daughters older Kristina 5 and Teodora 1.By the way I live in contry where is happened things which you never undrestand.Last 9 years we live in caos wars ,bombing,inflation...........We survided bombing in 30 april when is broken bridge in my town. If you want to see picture go to www./napad/steta/steta0430.htm and in that moment my wife and daughters away from 200meters from the bridge.
In dentristry I work similiar things like you.I like to work ceramic crowns and bridges and cosmetic dentistry.Yours dental works were the first which I like on Internet sites.I think that your life style can see in your dental work full of energy perfect like Harlley. Your site give me optimismus to go in the same direction.The realy thing you see on first sight.
My hobby is skiing ,listening to good music(now is ethno chinesse,irish,afro..etc)
Esspecialy I am interssted in cosmetics dentistry at all. Hello to your wife and you Doc.Al
Subject: Re: Bondodontics Date: Sun, 31 Oct 1999 19:12:34 -0800 From: "blong" blong@fcs.net To: "dochemp" dochemp@c-zone.net CC: rbertolotti@aol.com

Doc Hemp,
Thank you for writing. I can't thank you enough for referring me to Ray Bertolotti. My teeth look and feel great and the conservative bondodonics seem like a much better alternative than full mouth reconstruction. There was no pain and I still have my teeth under the veneers. I can smile and feel good about the way I look. I hope Ray showed you the before and after pictures. My orthodontist was really impressed when I saw him for my new retainers. I have told many people about the wonderful work that you and Ray are doing. We baby boomers want to keep our teeth and I hope that more dentists will decide to follow your lead.

My husband John and I are still enjoying our Harley, but not riding it enough. I'm afraid that I'm working too hard which might explain why I didn't see your e-mail until tonight. Thanks for all of the time that you devote to getting the message out...both about enjoying life and saving teeth!!!


----- Original Message ----- From: dochemp dochemp@c-zone.net To: Bonnie Long blong@fcs.net Cc: Ray Bertolotti rbertolott@aol.com Sent: Sunday, October 10, 1999 6:42 AM Subject: Bondodontics

> I hear your conservative bondodotics went well. You first contacted me > to do this for you .... I will be seeing Ray Bertolotti soon at one of > his lectures .... I heard about your case being finished after I > contacted Ray for one of our patients I had done bondodontics on that > wanted a conservative dentist for a friend of his in the midwest. >

> .... All the thousands of donated hours I have put into the website are > worth it when I hear of a few cases where our ... Ray's & my & many others ... > Conservative approach have made a difference. Ray reaches the dentists > with his selfless travel & sharing ... I am more selfish, like to stay > at home ... when out of my office ride our Harleys, trains, etc. .. > except for the website. >

> Also ... please remember ...the alternative can always be done later if & when there is no other way possible. >

> Regards,
> Doc Hemp

Subject: Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 13:29:18 -0700 From: "Mitchel" mhumason@kayenta.navajo.ihs.gov To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Hello Dave and Becky;

I am a newly graduated old dentist in the IHS, Kayenta, AZ and I have been following your web pages since I was a junior in dental school in Boston. I've tried to e-mail you before, but have not been successful. Perhaps this one will go through.

Thanks for the musci and chuckles.

Mitch Humason, DMD
Subject: Hi doc! Date: Wed, 1 Sep 1999 21:11:27 -0400 From: "john l. rodriguez" rodjd@cyberzone.net To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Hi Doc!

Where did you go to dental school? Are you affiliated with any dental schools today? Do you do any lecturing or teaching? Just curious. Loved your web site - found it in a search for air abrasion. I emailed it to everyone I know, 'cause it's so much fun!

Deborah Rodriguez
Program Coordinator - Division of Continuing Education
Boston University School of Dental Medicine
Email: dsrodrig@bu.edu
Web: http://dentalschool.bu.edu/continuing_ed/ce_main.htm

(PS: Our web site is nowhere near as fun as yours!)
Subject: RE: SCALING DOWN Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1999 15:49:50 -0700 From: WILLIAM MILLER thor-dental@worldnet.att.net To: dochemp@c-zone.net


Subject: Your site Date: Tue, 10 Aug 1999 09:08:02 -0400 From: Bunni bunni@ibm.net To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Is TERRIFIC!!!!!!! I never would have believed a dentist would have such a wonderful site. Honestly tho.........I love it. More people need to have a sense of humor and yours shows through your site. Again, I say... terrific :)

Subject: "unwanted" patients Date: Tue, 10 Aug 1999 10:07:39 -0700 From: Joyce Covey joycovey@c-zone.net To: chet@shasta.com

A man was playing around one Saturday morning and chipped a tooth, so he went to a dentist to get it fixed. After waiting quite a while he got in and got his tooth fixed.

When the dentist was almost done, he asks to the man, "Would you do me a big favor, please?, I'll even take $20 off your bill if you do."

The man shrugs and figures why not.

The dentist says "Just scream like you're in extreme pain?"

The man is a little confused and asks "Sure, but why, it wasn't that bad?"

The dentist says "There are about 10 people in the waiting room and I don't want to miss the big game this afternoon."
Subject: A great big thank you Date: Sun, 25 Jul 1999 21:04:38 -0400 From: "annell davis" a.t.davis@worldnet.att.net To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Hey ya'll , I'm here in NC and again I've really had fun on your web sites. It's the greatest. To bad I don't have a cool dentist like ole Doc Hemp. Keep up the good work, for you know we all need a laugh.
T H A N K S, Annell
Subject: Love your pages Date: Wed, 28 Jul 1999 11:33:32 EDT From: Angel07288@aol.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net

I am the significant other of an Orthodontist in Jackson Michigan. I have recently graduated with my first degree in Graphic design (I have to pause in my educational pursuits, child # five is on the way!) Any way I was researching orthodontic and dental sites for ideas on what is out there, to design one for Art. I am totally inspired. This site of yours is outrageous and hilarious. I am still struggling to understand what he is planning on putting in his site. I think it should be humorous but he wants it classy (I think) So my dilema is to create classy humor??!! OK maybe the three stooges approach might work. I have created fun giant 3D art in his offices that have recieved comments like "WOW. this place is like disney world!" So, I have to keep up with my previous art but intrepreted into the web world. Your site has inspired me a lot. By the way he is rediscovering his love for models and we have tossed around the idea of starting a model train scape in the near future. I definately will earmark your site so I can show him later. I have photos of Art's office if you are interested I could scan and email some to You!

Thanks again for the wonderfully sick humor and cool entertainment!

Subject: Hello from Germany Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 02:11:44 +0200 From: smile 4 U h0444idr@student.hu-berlin.de To: dochemp@c-zone.net

What a great site!!! I really enjoyed it, especially the Harley´s. If I ever get the "green card", I will apply for a job in your practice.
best wishes
Doc Michael
Subject: greetings from berlin Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 13:00:26 +0200 From: dr.med.dent.engelhardt@t-online.de (Dr. Engelhardt) To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Hallo Dave and Becky,
Ihave red in a dentist journal about the wonderful trip from Dr.Birkhoff. I`m also a biker.Please give me more informations. My home-page: www.doc-engelhardt.de.Sorry, my english is bad.

Dr. Ingo Engelhardt
Your English is just fine!!
Doc & Becky Hemp
Subject: Great page! Doc Meckbach,DDS Date: Sun, 23 May 1999 18:25:20 +0200 From: "Frank Meckbach" webmaster@zahnarzt-frankfurt.de To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Hello from Germnay!

I just saw your pages after reading the article "with doc hemp" in a german dental magazine! I run a dental office in frankfurt and we work together with some american dentists - they always have to buy the harley parts for me!
once again -great page!
Dear Sirs,

Allow us to introduce ourselves. We are Dentex - Incorporated an International trade company, has been in the business of providing and supply new technology in the Medical and Dental fields to the Formed Soviet Union since 1989. We had being working with Schick Technologies Company for 4 last years. We are the exclusive representatives of Schick Technologies in 6 countries. Our value of sales of CDR systems and CDR cameras is very high. Now Schick Technologies has temporary difficulties with manufacturing of CDR cameras. That's why now we have to apply to somebody who can help us. We need these cameras to complete Schick Technologies CDR systems. If your company can help us in this matter, if you sure that you manufacture cameras we need, please, contact with us and give us any information. Thank you very much in advance for your help.

Our tel.: 7-095-252-13-23, 7-095-255-98-45
Our fax: 7-095-255-93-07
Our web site: www.dentex.ru
Our e-mail address: dentex@df.ru

Dentex Company
Russia, Moscow

Subject: Endodoncista venezolana. Date: Wed, 10 Mar 1999 20:04:09 -0400 From: "María de las Nieves Pérez" ceomca@telcel.net.ve To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Hello Doc.

I am a dentis, live in Venezuela and my name is María de las Nieves Pérez.

Love the Endodontics and the good music.

Write me please.
Subject: News from Germany Date: Sat, 27 Feb 1999 13:10:11 +0100 From: doc.mike@t-online.de (Dr. Horst Michael Birkhoff) To: "C. David Hemp DDS Inc." dochemp@c-zone.net

Dr. Horst Michael Birkhoff wrote:

Dear Hempster & Beckster,

last night I went to our local hardcore motorcycle group (the one I told you about: we had quite some trouble with them 3 years ago - they threatened to kill one of us and it took me pretty much work to make peace again - change the chapter´s name from Düsseldorf Chapter to Cactus Chapter etc., I told you about that) to tell them about the charity run I am planning together with my good friend Harald (operating manager of a local shopping mall - the Schadow-Arkaden).

This club used to call themselves "Motoclan", but since 1999 they have become a chapter of the "Bones" MC - which is one of the big three hardcore MCs in Germany.

To my surprise, they did not only appreciate the idea of the charity run; they even insisted on helping us to organize the whole thing and donating some money for the children out of their club cashbox.

So now I´m really looking forward to that thing... it´s gonna be fun!

On the bad side, the new government has told us its plans for the next health system reform... pure socialism! Next year, they will forbid any dental activity outside the national health system. We will have to work for fixed and limited prices, even implants and new technologies will be pressed into the budget. If this comes true... f...!

Mike, that is really a shame! The Germans are of a proud & quality oriented heritage! Why move it down into 3rd world status with it's health care within one year? All other sectors will erode and fail next ... following the spiral down into ignominy also!

Hey, I just want to work in peace without some damn politicians telling me what and how much to do!

Your good friend from Germany

Doc Mike
Subject: see what your site has done!! Date: Wed, 01 Jan 1997 08:36:47 -0800 From: hodgie To: "Hemp, Dave & Becky" dochemp@c-zone.net

Wow, I couldnt belive the time! I have been in your web site for a long time almost the entire night. We have been using digital radiography for a little over a year now and read some of the letters sent to you.Have been in adhesive dentisry for a long time. Dr. Cordano is a instructor for LVI, So keep up to date on all kinds of new adhesive materials.
thanks again for the awsome site!!
Subject: too much fun!!! Date: Wed, 01 Jan 1997 08:21:51 -0800 From: hodgie hodgie@2xtreme.net To: dochemp@c-zone.net

enjoyed your web site! My name is carrie I work for Dr. Richard Cordano D.D.S. here in Yuba City, Ca.Enjoyed your whole site found it very informatable and entertaining. Stayed up way to late just exploring you site !! Had a blast , thanks for the all the good reading and fun!!!
Subject: Love that Music!! Date: Tue, 09 Feb 1999 23:17:53 -0500 From: "Wayne Wright" waynesusie@earthlink.net To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Hey Doc! I'm one of your kind -- a DDS in Vandalia, Ohio. Happened on your site while wandering around the internet with my new I-MAC. What a hoot! Listened to the "Music Room" till about 3:00 am the other night. I'm a '64 grad of Ohio State University College of Dentistry. Spent 2 years with Uncle Sam's Air Force in your great state, down on the desert at Victorville, and then came back here where I've been practicing our great profession for the last 33 years. Expect to go another 15 if we can keep the damn insurance people at bay. So far, I've told them all to go pound salt or worse. I have a 1931 Ford Victoria that I purchased from Don Ross down in Lancaster Calif. He has been restoring Model A's for the last 20 years and operates with the Antelope Valley Antique Car Club. Maybe you know him. I also have a 66 Red Mustang Convertible that I love to drive out to your (God's) country whenever I can. I'll be in California next in early July, backpacking with the Sierra Club and my wife, somewhere near Donner Pass. If you care to respond, maybe we could look you up on that trip. Anyway, thanks a bunch for the Great Music!!! Wayne & Susie Wright
Subject: Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 21:34:54 -0000 From: "paul Mc Evoy" pjdent@indigo.ie To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Dear Dr Hemp

I stumbled across your web site a few days ago, whilst looking for information about air abrasion systems, and was very impressed. I really liked your enthusiasm for dentistry, new techniques, and life outside dentistry. (The jokes weren't too bad either. Well,,,,, they are better than my own.)

Perhaps, before I go on any further I should explain that I am a dentist myself, I have a comparatively new practice in Dublin, in the Republic of Ireland. My practice, is established just over five years now, and seems to be going very well,. ( I am particularly proud of the fact that I have 2400 patients registered with myself, and a growth rate of almost one and half new patients per calendar day. And all this in really country were all forms of advertising, except word of mouth are completely banned.)

My reason for contacting you is, if I may be so intrusive, to ask your advice about air abrasion. I'm seriously considering purchasing an air abrasion cavity preparation machine, specifically one by Crystal Mark DDS .INC

I would greatly appreciate your advice on whether I should really go down this road of air abrasion, or not. Has it proved to be a good idea in your own practice,? and is it really worth the investment of $ 8000 ?

Secondly, to you know the above make,? Are the any good reasons not to buy this specific one,.? (I have already purchased some equipment from the same company that is selling me this particular machine, and have been very satisfied with its performance over the last five years.) Once again, I hope that I am not being too presumptuous by asking advice, and taking up your time in this matter, however ,as I said your approach seems very similar to my own and I would appreciate your assistance.

Yours sincerely

Paul Mc Evoy
Subject: RE: Latest Dental technologies Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 12:30:56 -0500 From: "J. E. Davies" davies@ecf.utoronto.ca To: "dochemp" dochemp@c-zone.net

Thank you for the message - I rushed out to get my own issue of Discover!

However, for your web page please note the following:
1. The name of the magazine in question is "Discover" not "Discovery Magazine"
2. My qualifications are B.D.S.; D.Sc. - not DDS as I qualified in the UK system.
3. In your header you have Bone Tech Corp - but the name should be BoneTec Corp.

Many thanks

(John Davies) -----Original Message----- From: dochemp [mailto:dochemp@c-zone.net] Sent: January 24, 1999 9:31 PM To: davies@ecf.utoronto.ca Subject: Latest Dental technologies << file: vcard.vcf >> David, congratulations on your new synthetic bone matrix .... please see our Latest Dental Technologies site .... and then some. http://www.c-zone.net/dochemp/newbone.html C. David Hemp DDS Inc.
Subject: (no subject) Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 14:06:33 +0530 From: NIRAV DESAI cybernet@giaspn01.vsnl.net.in To: dochemp@c-zone.net


Dear Becky and Dave,
I am a private dental practioner from India. I really enjoyed your site. I found the matter highly informative. I am visiting theUS sometime in April/May. I would appreciate if I could spend some time with you and learn more about adhesion dentistry. Do let me know if that is possible.

Thanking You
Dipti Desai
e-mail address dipti9@yahoo.com

Dear Dipti,
We are truly flattered you think enough of our website to want to visit & observe, but as you might imagine ... we get a lot of requests like yours ... even from those in our own town .... I have had to say no to all anymore as we have a job to do & it is too disturbing to the office flow, our contribution has to be through the website only ..... I don't even take time to lecture, as any time I do have is dedicated to our many web sites ... but the good news is ..... there is someone that I hope can help you through your visit to his office or to one of his lectures while you are here ..... Ray Bertolotti .... the top USA dentist on adhesion or Bondodontics. I am sending this to him also ... good luck to you!
kindest of regards,
Dave & Becky Hemp
Subject: Your Web page. Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 17:57:39 -0200 From: Mitch Bennett mb7644@carol.net To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Lots of fun. Broke a tooth eating a tootsie pop waiting for the page tocome up. But don't worry, I'm from SC so I won't be trying to make an appointment. Found your pages looking for Studebakers. Really like the old cars but my interest has always been in the Hawks.
Thanks for the fun.

Subject: Compliments Date: Sat, 16 Jan 1999 10:44:44 -0600 From: "Larry Campbell" lcampbel@texoma.net To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Dave and Becky,

Compliments for such a varied website with the music, humor, dental info, and especially the cars! I am also a D.D.S. and I also have some cars, although on a much more humble scale. I have a 1939 Packard coupe that went over Independence Pass in Colorado this past summer on the Americruise. I also have a 1939 Oldsmobile sedan that we took to other Americruises to Peoria, Ill. and Lincoln, Neb. Finally, I have a 1946 Mercury coupe that hasn't been anywhere except to a couple of local (north Texas) car shows. These old cars sure are fun. My wife has always wanted us to get a really old and nice car like the early era ones on your website.
Thanks for the effort to make the site available.
Larry Campbell
Sherman, Texas
Subject: Re: Letter Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 08:43:37 -0500 (EST) From: Stephen Kriss sck1@is2.nyu.edu To: dochemp dochemp@c-zone.net

Folks, this following email is from the fellow that saw we were looking for this Nov 20, 1943 Saturday Evening Post in which there was an article about my Uncle Herb (a B 25 Mitchell Bomber Pilot in the China theater during world war 2 - done just before he & crew were shot down & killed) as posted on our airplane pages out of BAD Chariots .... Steve saw our request for that magazine & contacted us ... he only wanted $10.00 including shipping for it ...... now that may be the going price for these ..... but not that one special date for us!!
We sent him more for finding our wants from the internet for this special magazine!! We do not collect magazines ...... only this special one! Uncle Herb was awarded 4 Purple Hearts, the Air Medal & the Flying Cross. I feel it is my responsibility to live his life for him too .... which he & other Veterans gave up to protect all of us. To enjoy the freedom of this wonderful country & what it has to offer.
Thank you again Stephen Kriss.
Dave Hemp

At 05:02 PM 1/14/99 -0800, you wrote: >Steve, >we really appreciated your contacting us on the magazine .... we felt >you didn't charge enough .... wanted to wait & see if you were for real >with your offer first though and that we actually got the magazine before we sent you some more money .... we are glad you are. We only had >copies of the front & the article before.
Do you have a website we can >link to? Do you do this commercially? If so we will give you a plug >with your address & phone # ... just email it to me again to post. >kindest regards, >Dave & Becky

> Hi Dave and Becky.

I have been selling vintage magazines and paper collectibles part time since 1980. I will be retiring in two years and then will probably have the time to "fool around" with a web site and update it on a routine and timely basis.

I am aware what dealers charge for various vintage magazines and the higher prices for searching and individual covers, etc., and that I can easily receive those prices for my inventory. However, I am not in a full time business with overhead to worry about, and enjoy attempting to find or sell an item at a price that makes one happy and gives me a small profit (which is at present being used to complete a set of Saturday Evening Posts from 1900-1949).

I can be contacted through the above email address or at 30 East 9th Street, New York, NY 10003, should you wish to recommend me.

Once again, thanks for your generosity, concern and good thoughts.

All the best,
Subject: Local offices.. Date: 30 Dec 1998 14:33:44 -0800 From: Bill Fletcher bill.fletcher@transamerica.com To: Dochemp dochemp@c-zone.net

Hey Doc,

Thanks for the great background into current denistry technologies. I appreciated your websites information very much..

One question... Do you have a San Franciscan collegue I could visit... I have a number of the dental problems you addressed in your website. I am new to San Francisco.

Thank you, Bill Fletcher
Subject: Date: Mon, 28 Dec 1998 07:28:52 -0800 From: "Terry and Bev Rust " trust@mercy.org To: "Dave Hemp" dochemp@c-zone.net

Dandy: I am still alive and kicking.
Last night I was in the Hospital for 5 hours putting a face back together, the guy tried one of you large bore pistols to his face. What a friggen mess. Bone, Mandible and Maxilla everywhere, no palate teeth everywhere, no floor of the mouth left, this was one of the worst I have ever seen. He will be a nightmare reconstruction for the next two years so how can I quit. I don't know what I am going to do today with the girls. I have been trying to get them to Chico to try the BMW. Tara and I took the Harley on a ride Saturday. She did fine. I rode on the back and she handled the rest. You get to work right now and keep me busy. Hee Hee Crusty
.... geeeze, ..... I'm glad all I have to worry about is one half of a bridge loosening up ... or maybe an emergency call at 2 a.m. ...... help! ... help doc! .... I chipped a tooth opening a beer bottle!!! What shall I do???? I juss tell em .... drink the damn beer, tape an asprin on your tooth, & go by the hospital & wait for Crusty Rusty to finish ..... he's there every night cuttin & sew'n .... have him pull it ... put in an implant .... all before sun up .... call me in 6 months for the damn crown. Hee-hee!
Dandy Dave
Subject: Harry Vega & Digital X-Rays Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 07:01:15 -1000 From: Al Navas alnavas@earthlink.net To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Dear Doc Hemp:

Wow what a SITE!!!

I just read your reminiscing page from your days at Loma Linda and particularly from your fond memories of your favorite people, including my uncle Harry Vega. I enjoyed that page the most among all of your other wonderfully entertaining pages. He is my mother's youngest brother (7 brothers and sisters) and the first to go to the other side 5 years ago. The whole family still misses him He was a big influence on why I became a dentist. He was a very busy dental lab man and he was instrumental in helping my mom bring me and my brothers to California from Colombia back in '65. I can see why you would like him, and Dr. Bomb Baum, and ol' buddy Dr. Byrd (did my table clinic with him). All three were/are very deep intellectuals with a bombastic sense of humor and an extremely caring attitude. It sounds as though you were one of the fortunate students who got infected from such individuals!!!!

I came to your site through the link from Linda Buquet's site. I purchased the Kreativ Mac5 unit through Linda about 4 months ago. I usually do not buy top-of-the-line stuff, but this time I thought "What the hay, I spent a lot more defending the little that I kept from that divorce, might as well spend it on rebuilding the practice- go for the bestest". I do not regret at all!!! There are a lot of different units out there (as I found out prior to my purchasing Kreativ's), but I sure liked the self-contained unit. No remodeling of my water lines, or my compressor hook-ups, etc. etc. etc. Just plug&play.

I also bought the Dexis digital x-ray. What a wonderful find!!!! That I know, it is the only digital x-ray that works from a LAPTOP!! I have two offices, do a lot of endos and surgery, therefore the portable x-ray is very handy, accurate and quick!! Do not know how I would do any dentistry without it anymore!!!!!

Enough ear bending. I wish I had had your savvy insight to be on the net for five years now. I finally got it last Saturday. You may want to cruise it on a really rainy night when you have caught up with all of your research and email reading, and the bike is in the shop and all of tv channels are blacked out and.......www.cyberdentist.net

Al Navas D.D.S.
Subject: Mercury amalgam fillings Date: Fri, 04 Dec 1998 22:01:57 -0500 From: Steve White steve.white3@sympatico.ca To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Steve White wrote:

Dear Doc Hemp,
I actually found your site browsing for info on Harleys. A friend of mine produces billet aluminum after market parts for HD's. My question though pertains to the continued use of mercury amalgam fillings in dentistry.
There is no saftey problem ... it has been exhaustively researched & I mean researched by the real scientific establishement. We have a compilation of over 300 studyies in the past 10yrs that we keep for patients to take to Kinkos & copy & (bring back the same day so we don't lose them) It is a stack 3" thick & none show a danger ... you will get more mercury out of 2 - 3 cans of Tuna fish my friend, than out of chewing on a mouth full of amalgams in a life time. BUT! removing huge amounts of them all at once with the new Micro Air Abrasion might indeed release mercury vapor. That is why it is recommended that the M.A.A. be used only for new decay & the removal of white fillings.

I have seen many health shows quoting recent research that questions the safety of these fillings. I am personally interested due to the fact that I have extensive bite surface fillings using this material and because I have four children. I am beginning to wonder if and when they require filling treatments should I consider paying the extra to avoid possible toxic side effects?

Yes, I would pay extra (but not because of toxicity!) Have the new micro air abrasion done & have them filled with the newest white composites .... no numbing required, no high speed drill at all. The tooth is put into a numbed state for about 10 minutes & a slow speed drill is used to remove only the soft decay (we no longer do extention of & drill out all the grooves for prevention of further decay.) The size if the fillings is 1/5 average size of the old amalgam preps. I may tunnel fill 3 seperate small decayed areas in one tooth & micro abraid the grooves slightly between them all & seal them all together with a little bit of the thinned filling material so EVERYTHING is totally sealed & no further decay is possible there for many years at least. The new white composite fillings wear very well too! Silver fillings demand thickness for strength (unneccesary cutting of healthy tooth structure after the removal of decay in small cavities especially!) .... you can't seal shallow grooves with it either.

Thanks for your very good question ..... this subject really needed clarifying .. am posting this in our dental reading room & on our technology page.
Doc Hemp

If I was to read any of the current research to assist in my decision what periodicals would you recommend? Remember next time you see a HD with a Pro1 chrome billet alluminum inner primary it was made in Canada!
Steve White
Subject: Dental Students Page Date: Thu, 3 Dec 1998 06:25:24 -0800 From: "Michael J Long DDS" mcdds@email.msn.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Well, I'm not a dental student, but I do show up once a week to teach them. I have done this since graduation 4 years ago. What words of wisdom. How about the lecture circuit?
2 things I say to students daily:
1. Would you do this to your wife/husband/girl or boyfriend?
2.Kids want ice-cream for dinner, but that's not going to happen.
( When treatment is not indicated, the patient wants it, and has not been educated about the choice they made. A choice that will surely help fill the students requirements)
Subject: Damn good site. Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 14:31:33 -0500 From: Bob Fox rflowriderii@worldnet.att.net To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Hello Dave and Becky,
I happen to be a dentist in North Carolina (31 years in practice). I have Harleys also and have been riding since I was 12. (now 59). Your site is great. An architect friend in Raleigh sent it to me.(he also rides a Harley and we went to Wake Forest together many years ago.) I will enjoy going through the rest of it, but just thought a short note would be nice. I ride with a bunch of dentists---general, oral surgeons, orthodontists, and endodontists. We also have an interior decorator (straight), a landscape architect, a Federal and a superior court judge. (in fact--2 Federal Judges --on harleys.) They are avid. You are certainly right about who you will meet. I have pictures with Willie G. and others, but have not met Teerlink. (would like to though). Been to Sturgis 2 times and intend to go more. Love it and the entire Black Hills. Also Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho. Enough for now. Please write back and tell me more. I am in Winston-Salem, NC.

Bob Fox

Subject: re-attaching gums to teeth using a laser Date: Tue, 17 Nov 1998 14:58:36 PST From: "Donald Riggs" donriggs@hotmail.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Since lasers can be used to create high-strength bonds between tendons and bones, as well as to re-attach retinas and a host of other "tissue-welding", has anyone yet used lasers to reattach gums to teeth, eliminating pockets and recreating the gum-to-tooth seal of new teeth?

Don Riggs
computer consultant,

Electro-dermal Screening Technician
Lasers are used extensively in periodontal & oral surgery, have been for 15 years. Mostly for bloodless or low bleeding surgery as it cauterizes as it cuts. The big problem is that if the internal temp of the pulp of the tooth is heated up even 5 degrees it will develop a pulpitis & be painful & can take up to 8-10 yrs to die. Lasers are now being used to cut into hard tooth structure though for fillings, but the heat problem is still a concern & is being watched closely.
Once the tissue is repostionioned or a graft from the roof of the mouth is placed over the exposed root it does reattach to it. You still have to cut it & flap it, etc. from somewhere else first though.
Doc Hemp
ChriDelite@aol.com wrote:

My oldest son, David, who is 25 years old; is ' squeamish ' of dentists mostly of needles. Consequently, his teeth are in pretty bad shape. He's considered dentures by way of going to a surgeon; getting completely put under. So far, I've talked him out of this idea but I fear that his teeth are getting to such a point of no return. He lives in Tulsa, Ok and I live in Kansas City and if you could help him, I could fly with him to your office or someone your office could recommend.
We would be so grateful if you could help, I've tried several avenues but to no avail.

Dear David's Father,
He can be treated with Valium first, Having your teeth out at that age is like getting a really bad tattoo! EVERYONE LIVES TO REGRET IT! & to fix the problem costs 100 times as much = full mouth implants = $60,000 to put back something that is only 10% as good as God gave us. He's the one that has to comitt to saving his own teeth & taking care of them with 6 month cleanings the rest of his life etc. He will also age 40 years in only 20 years with all the bone absorbing = shriveled in old face!

I take no new patients, I am sending this to Dr Ray Bertolotti also - he lectures world wide & can maybe do the case if you want to fly in or get you to a conservative dentist.
good luck,
doc hemp