Kool April Nites
Saturday 2,300 Kar Show
Page #1

Stayed up all nite on these 3 pages folks to bring them to you the next day (ain't I jus da keenist? - grin) .. I am looking for someone that took pictures of the Asphalt Cowboys cooking the pancake breakfast to please Email (about 640 pixel wide - jpegs only) of it to put up on a page #4 .... or any other pictures you took of your car or of the show for that matter .... Thanks

Page #1 contains the larger photos and several movies .... Page #2 & #3 has smaller photos that will load double up for screens 17" and larger, which all my pages are designed for. If you have a smaller screen just move the scroll bar at the bottom to view the entire pictures

The sound movies will take very long to download if you don't have DSL. ... Just start them and then change your oil and adjust your clutch ... when you are done ... they just might be done too .. (grin). One more note .... before you click on the movies ... go to the top of this page and stop the music first by clicking on the little square in the icon box.
Dave "Doc" and Becky Hemp

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The Boys & EinsteinTaken a Break!

  1. Movie with music of the above 3 views

  2. Volunteers Paul Galea & friend, both from PG&E that helped park everyone

    Local entertainment all day long

    Our friends, Dale & Judy Barnard and Dale's Brother

    The engine on Dale's perfect Chevelle

    The photo above shows Howard Stubblefield & boys today
    Below, A few years ago on an earlier KAN web page
    Missed getting mom in the 2nd photo above
    What a difference a few years make!

    Our good friend Joe Walker, shown here, is very well known in all the big name Rock & Roll and Country Western bands from Memphis to Ca. Joe has played with most all of them, one time or another, from Elvis to Merle. The music here today was fantastic! They played down in the amphitheater by the river from about 1-2:30 p.m.

  3. Movie of Joe Playing
  4. Movie of the Band

  5. Our friends, Jim & Dorinda Goff ... Jim is a horse power nut ... like I am (grin)

    The Strawn's mobile Blacksmith Shop on a truck!

  6. Movie, Sound, of the Strawn's Blacksmith Truck
  7. Go to Page #2 of K.A.N Show
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