Becky And Dave's (B.A.D.)
2002 - 4/30 ... Some More Movies
Showing Our Caboose
Updated Movies 7/13/06

"Redeem Steam! and Bring Back the Packard!!"

Quote by Neil Torrence

Visits Since 1/01/06 ... The counter fails and resets to Zero a lot


7/13/06 ... First turn the train sound off just above. Turn your volume UP ....hear the fantastic rail sound of steel on steel as you cross our new 100' bridge ... 70' free span steel Warren Truss train bridge. Dave Moeller and I built this bridge ... I did all the welding.


  1. 6/10/06 - 1 Crossing New Bridge
  2. 6/10/06 - 2 Crossing New Bridge
  3. 6/10/06 - 3 Crossing New Bridge
  4. 6/10/06 - 4 Crossing New Bridge
  5. 7/13/06 -Crossing Bridge & Beyond Movie
  6. 8/12/06 - More Phase 3 Movie
  7. 8/12/06 - More Phase 3 Movie
  8. 8/12/06 - More Phase 3 Movie
  9. 8/12/06 - More Phase 3 Movie
  10. 8/12/06 - More Phase 3 Movie
    We took these steam movies on a 100 degree summer day .... Next winter we will do it again when it's cold .... Just think of all the extra steam we will have then!
  11. 8/13/06 - Steam Movie #1
  12. 8/13/06 - Steam Movie #2
  13. 8/13/06 - Steam Movie #3
  14. 8/13/06 - Steam Movie #4
  15. 8/13/06 - Steam Movie #5

  16. Movie
  17. Movie
  18. Movie
  19. Movie
  20. Movie
  21. Movie
  22. Movie
  23. Movie
  24. Movie
  25. Movie
  26. Movie
  27. Movie

    A few older movies left here below
    Taken in winter = more steam

  28. Movie
  29. Movie
    Longest train video so far - 50 seconds long and another of our favorites! Taken from the passenger car thru the Redwoods and up Bigelow Straight
  30. Movie ..... Leaving the water tower

    Here are some movies of the Dunsmuir Train Days taken 7/9/06 on Sunday of the large double sized diesel locomotive on one of the few still operating round tables left in the USA ... more photos shortly on our Challenger page.

  31. 7/09/06 - the dunsmuir round table Movie #1
  32. 7/09/06 - the dunsmuir round table Movie #2
  33. 7/09/06 - the dunsmuir round table Movie #3
  34. 7/09/06 - the dunsmuir round table Movie #4

  35. Go To How I Built This Warren Truss Train Bridge
  36. Send Email
    To Dave & Becky Hemp
  37. Return to our Main "Little Bubba" Train Site