Go to our Tribute Page 9/11/01


Here is our more of our selection of classical music, etc. that Becky & I personally like. We do not take any credit for sequencing or composing any of them. We have gone through all our music info files and have removed any midis that had a particular music co. or were copyrighted. We will be happy to give credit to, or gladly remove any copyrighted midi files we might have missed. So! .. before you try and sue us, just tell us which midis you do not want here and we will happily remove them!

Years ago Don Carroll and Dick Anderson (Our 2 favorite sequencers and composers in the world) gave us permission to use their material on our non-commercial site here as did our other favorites D. W. Barnes, R. G. Allen & Harry Todd ... all back in about 1995. Below we link to Don and Dick's sites.coollinks.html

We do realize & appreciate the the rights of those who have made & published any of these tunes & or sequenced them, so we don't intend for this site to be anything else but an advertisement for any such individuals represented here. Thus, these are here only for your individual enjoyment ... and we can not give anyone permission to copy or use these midis in any way. Plus the way our site is disorganized and weird titles used makes it much easier to just order a high quality music CD from a commercial outfit anyway.

Thank You & Regards,
Doc & Becky Hemp

This site is part of & made possible by the B.A.D. CHARIOTS - (Harleys, Racing, Trains - our large steam locomotive, Planes & Classic Automobiles) and Doc Hemp's DENTAL SITE Homepages! ..... HARLEY DAVIDSON SITE So, Please visit Dave & Becky's other 150 urls there too! All are Non-Commercial! We donate 100% of our time for all these educational & hobby sites.

AIRG! .... (what Bach said when he got it stuck in his zipper)---- Bach - Tacata (a great pudding too)---- Furelise (enough said!)---- Beethoven's 5th (Common Drunk!)---- Hungarian Rap (Brahms/Hammer)---- Camillestaens Swan (birds of a feather)---- Debussy's Alarm Clock!---- WHAT? How'd dis git here?---- Your Wife did What?---- Oh fur Good Grieg!---- I Am Only One---- This one'll Knock Ya Out!---- One Czar 4 U---- Inclined to like this one---- In Your Dreams!---- 39th Plus One---- Can dat be D - Canon?---- Get Your rocksoff here---- Ravioli---- Bugs Bunny Hates this One!---- Don't Cut Yourself---- Dan Held his Breath to long---- Nuts 2 U 2!---- Where 4 Art Thou (BUBBA?)---- One wet Bird---- Not Summer, Not Fall, Not Winter---- Not Spring, Not Fall, Not Winter----


Great Whiskey---- Fishy---- Go Nancy!---- 3rd Little Pig---- Orange---- U R 2 HOT 4 ME---- I Am Tough---- Sour Notes!---- No Makeup?---- U R 2 Hot 4 Everyone!---- Please!---- Shadows Result---- Open Your Eyes----

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