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Rob on the 92 Heritage Classic at the cabin in Buffalo WY.

Rob again (our son-in-law ... sorry gals!) with his new friend
Rob is 6' 6" tall with his boots on .... makes a good body gaurd!
(or at least something to hide behind - hee - hee!)

This is 5 couples we met here in Buffalo = stayed over night at the same group of cabins. Really nice kids from Chicago!! Quaaatta (Quarter?) Dan Gebbie was the experienced HOG rider that has done the big Sturgis Mecca thing several times before as we have. He & Okkyong his wife are the first ones on your left! They were the wagon masters for the group! Not necessarily in order we also have Jeff & Vicky Luczynski, Doug & Allie Bottons, John & Sonae Petrella, George & Nancy Girolamo! We hit some heavy ran after we left here & I'm sure they did too!

Bob & Laurie Broten! Bob e-mailed me these pics! We met them after we had been SOAKED! In one of those patented WY storms. We took refuge in a tiny Morecroft WY Cafe (Great food & coffee!) to dry out & let the storm move on. Here is some of the e-mail he sent us.

Laurie I met you while we waited out the rain Morecroft. We are home now after Sturgis and a LONG ride acrossthe plains to Chicago. I e attached a pic of the two of us.
Hope you had a great week as well.
Bob and Laurie


Subject: Great Trip Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 06:25:07 -0500 From: (Bob Broten) To:
Hi Doc,
I sent an email to your home page but I am not sure if I had my browser set up to actually allow a return message to come through so I am sending a little note to say hello. We had a great remainder of our trip. I have attached a picture of us having fun on Main Street in Sturgis. Hope your ride home was safe and enjoyable. I visited your home page by the way. You really have a lot going on on that set up. Mine is rather boring but you inspire me to get some more Html expertise.
Take care, Bob


I will resend. Good to hear from you. I have about 30 nice slides (35 mm) of the trip out for scanning. I will upload those to my home page soon and let you know when it is ready. I will send along some to you as well. Good to hear from you, Bob