Our New Email! dochemp@shasta.com Any email to us will be considered as public domain and may be placed in one of our reading rooms But, we will gladly remove any email from there too. Please don't email me with dental problems as I cannot diagnose over the internet.

This and our other 1000 pages are an archived journal for our family, friends, (our patients) and other like hobby heads these past 10 years. Info, humor, music, fun, photos. Not for advice or diagnosis! This is all my opinion only! .... Our web sites best viewed with A sense of humor! And an updated Browser.


Go to CCCA 50th Anniversary Emails

1 - 5 - 06 .... Sorry ... Just don't have time any more to add anymore emails ... but these are still fun to peruse! ..I will keep them as an archive site.
Doc Hemp

"Jealously is the tribute mediocrity pays to achievers"
Richard Quinn of the ASC

"Contempt for others is bred by Conceit"
Quote by Doc Hemp

Send Dave and Becky Email

Welcome all to our Classic Car Reading Room. Please send emails here & photos (jpegs only please) of you & yours with your Classic Cars. Becky & I will start it off with our 30 Studebaker President Roadster

Dave & Becky Hemp

As we have listed in our other club's Reading Rooms .... please feel free to ask Doc or Becky Hemp any questions (concerning any classic cars 1925 - 42 in this reading room) and we will attempt to answer them or I will forward them to (Chuck Conrad - CCCA Director). Becky & I will be using Beverly Rae Kimes & Henry Austin Clark Jr.'s Standard Catalog (3rd edition) of American Cars 1805-1942 for our reference purposes .... this is a book ALL auto enthusiasts should have. (the car values are low across the board in most cases compared to the market .... but it is for the information that I recommend it)

This site is part of the B.A.D. CHARIOTS Homepage! Please visit Dave & Becky's other 100 urls in BAD Chariots (over 1 million total visits/year!) after visiting this Classic Car page. Also visit our hi-tech Music Room And our DENTAL SITE And our Horseless Carriage Site ..... Official Antique Studebaker Site .. And .. OUR HARLEY DAVIDSON SITE Regional Clubs too ... Also ... See our Large Steam Locomotive & Layout we are building .... Thankyou,
Doc & Becky Hemp

Subject: Our meeting in Eugene, OR, Pacific Tour Date: Fri, 5 Jul 2002 23:28:51 -0700 From: "Jim Johnston" jej@efn.org To: "C. David Hemp DDS INC" dochemp@c-zone.net

I was pleased to have met you personally, and enjoyed talking to you about your President Roadster, and Blackie (sic). I ran back home to get my camera and took many pictures of the many Packards, Cords, Bently's, Studebaker Presidents (2), etc. What a treat for those of us lucky enough to be at the Valley River Inn that day. My friend Herb Dungy and I went searching for all of you and your cars after I spotted 4 Packards driving through town earlier that day. For me, with my common '35 Chev PU, '36 Master Town Sedan, and my Model A it was a special treat. I haven't seen that many great cars together in one place since Harra's Collection. Herb said he had a nice visit with you as well. He had met many of your friends in the Redding area when he had his restaurant supply business in Medford years ago.

I hope you and Becky enjoyed your time in Oregon and the tour. Thanks again for your fine support of old cars, planes, and Harley's.

Jim Johnston


It was indeed a pleasure to have met you and Herb too .... I wish I had gotten a pic of you with our car "Dandy" (30 President) ... It is not often that we ever get to meet any of the many thousands that have frequented our websites. I guess you figured by my card who I was? It was indeed a remarkable coincidence. It remember placing pics of your cars in our reading room 3A I think you said it was.

The tour went fantastic! ... Lots of nice folks like yourself that we encountered all along the way, nice weather, great scenery, etc. was just getting into the groove when it ended.
I am in the process of putting up a very comprehensive website of the tour .. day by day journal type thing ... I will be finished and posting it off my dental & BAD Chariots website in the next couple of days or so ...
Kindest of regards, Dave & Becky Hemp

Subject: Great Show Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 11:57:40 EDT From: JACQUESHAR@aol.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net

El Hempo

You done it again Bravo Bravo.

Looks like you guy's had lots of fun. The Little Bubba is not that Little anymore. Nice bunch of cars And looks like great people. And what a setting, Your place is Perfect for a car show, we don't appreciate what you done for all the car nuts like me. I know it takes lots of time AND money to put something like that together. Again Bravo

Becky looks great as usual No picture of you, Naturally you have to be behind the camera.

Was at Blackhawk last Saturday for the Norcall ccca get together And your name came out lot about the web site you Donated to The car nuts that where In San Jose 50th anniversary show. And everybody really appreciated what you done.

Going to Fresno the 18 and 19th of this month. I will also be Mare Island next Month.

That is all as far as shows are concerned This year

Will probably take 2 or 3 cars to Cristies Auction at Pebble.

Got to clean up some of this mess

A bientot: El Jackob

2002 Shasta 1 & 2 Cylinder Brass Tour
Subject: BLACKIE From: "joe" zeke@shighway.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net




Subject: 1933 Packard Phaeton Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2002 18:59:35 EST From: BlackPoplar9@aol.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Hi Doc,
I wanted to thank you for having a website on the Internet that shows your fantastic car. I've always dreamed of owning a Packard even as a little boy I used to buy Hemming Motor News and pine after the Packards especially the 1930's era. I would have to say, I don't believe that their is a Packard in existence that matches the pizzazz and elegance that yours does.

I acquired Crohns Disease when I was in my mid 20's and it robs me of my energy and ability to work on or own one of these fantastic cars, so I just admire them in photos and dream of owning one.

Thanks again Doc for providing the pictures and info on your great car.

Dave Black
Subject: pebble beach Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2001 07:56:11 -0600 (CST) From: ysinvestments@webtv.net To: dochemp@c-zone.net

I have been admiring the site of the 99 show (wow). There are some questions I would like to ask of you , hopefully you can help, (please).
I purchased a one off car in 1988, not really knowing it was though, the vehicle has been in many national magazines and separate articles for the past 66 years.
It is truly a car which was far ahead of it's time in street and race car design. It was badly damaged in 1964 with a collection of other very important cars.

Please punch in google.com then punch in david biggs , clarksville missouri.
A 540K mercedes , alfa's, bugatti,ferrari's horch , this to name a few. This gentleman was very eccentric and had nothing but the rarest built with most being one off cars....
My one off car was built by a wealthy industrialist and bank owner-- Benjamin Harris III, it was called the harris special. Ben was quite the playboy and ran with a well known crowd all over the world. Just a few tid bits on ben, best man at Cords wedding, first S.C.C.A racing director in Illinois . His special pioneered many design's copied through time in racing and street. In 1935 he was light years ahead, it's last pictured in a 2001 national magazine which someone was trying to imply they had my car " maybe " ....... They have since corrected their files and offered a feature spread on the special. My first question: Can a car like this be considered for the pebble beach show.????? Pictures from 1936 magazine included of the special.

My 2nd question : There are other chassis from biggs collection still at the site. I know all were one off's..... Can you put me in touch with a horch expert or owner ( fritz gechter ), the horch was a racer or speedster.....
I believe there is a bmw, one of three very early V8 cars built.... hoping that fritz can also lead me to a auto union expert as they all merged together with others. ( audi )
Please help me, I have spent the last 14 years working on this !!!!!
8535 co.rd. 418
Hannibal Missouri 63401

Subject: 1927 Page Auto Information Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2001 13:13:47 -0500 From: Hall Bobby G SSPA hallbg@supship.navy.mil To: "'dochemp@c-zone.net'"

I am looking for any kind of books for a 1927 Page Automobile. I have one my father left me and I am trying to put back to the original condition. I need any information on the fuel system and the electrical system.

Bobby Hall

P.S. Your site has the most complete collection of automobile stories I have see on any web page. Keep up the good work.

Subject: Date: Mon, 2 Jul 2001 14:42:24 -0400 From: "Teresa" tkey@atlbelt.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Growing up in Atlanta during the 1930's, my family's next door neighbor had a Packard. I do not know which model or year of manufacture. As memory recalls, it was a 4 door, with wire wheels and white sidewalls, a full convertible top and spare tires in the front fenders. There were two fold down seats behind the front seat. On the floor was a horn button, so that the owner, Mr. George W. West, Sr. could sound the alarm that he was on the move.

When I was about 5 years of age, my older sister (7) would eat breakfast with our Father then go next door and eat breakfast with Mr. George. After breakfast, John the chauffeur, would bring the beautiful machine to the door. Mr. George would help my sister into the car. She would put down the folding seat and ride to the sidewalk. John would stop the car, my sister would put the seat up, kiss Mr. George on the cheek and hop out.

Of course the car was no "Blackie". However, "Blackie" brought back memories of the Packard, Mr. West, my Father's Cadillac and the LaSalle our other neighbor, Mr. Glenn.

You have a beautiful car. Thank you for sharing it with me and others.

Ernest Key, Jnr.

Subject: Fabio De Caroli -- Modena Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 09:00:26 +0200 From: "Fabio De Caroli" fabiodecaroli@tin.it To: "dochemp@c-zone.net"

To Becky and Dave Hemp :

My name is Fabio De Caroli and I' m writing from Modena ( Italy ). I have been into every page of your beautiful site and I' ve seen that you know Robert Sarrailh, the head of ATS Racing Team .

I need to send to him the content of the attachment, but I haven' t found his e-mail address in the Web. Perhaps you could help my e-mail to reach Mr. Sarrailh, suggesting me a proper address.

I think that my message could be very intersting for a Cobra enthusiast such him ( and even for you, I hope ).

Very many thanks for what you will do.

Yours faithfully
Fabio De Caroli

My name is Fabio De Caroli and I was born in Modena (Italy) 32 years ago. The town where I live is a "planet" world-wide celebrated for its stars : sports cars.

Since childhood I took great interest for cars, especially classic ones, which were immediately able to convey me more feelings than others. Later, during the years, I understood that classics had not only technical and aesthetic values, but also a strong meaning from a cultural and historical point of view. I believe that much of classic cars' beauty comes from the style of their bodies, wonderful examples of coachbuilders' skills.

For a long time I asked me how was it possible to realize such handmade masterpieces with simple tools. Until some years ago I met one of the last panelbeaters still working in Modena, able to create a complete body starting from raw steel. Gianni, so he is named, built many cars for Ferrari and Maserati during his career (some examples in photos below).

To tell the truth, he also built the body for Shelby' s Daytona Cobra (n° 2299), which snatched the GT crown from Ferrari in 1965.

He has transmitted me many of his secrets and now we work together, restoring bodies and reproducing panels or chromium-plated parts not more available.

Perhaps our assistance could be useful to owners in trouble with their spare panels or bumpers. I will be glad to get in touch with classic cars enthusiasts, for more informations about my job, or simply in order to exchange news and opinions.

The Web is a wonderful chance to know each other and I'll reply to everyone.

Yours faithfully
Fabio De Caroli fabiodecaroli@tin.it
Subject: Appreciation Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2001 18:05:54 -0700 From: ED ENGLISH eenglish@slonet.org To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Stumbled onto your page while surfing around looking for stuff foe my 490 Chev and my Model A. What a treat! Not only do I appreciate the fun approach, I am impressed by the professionalism of the layout and the way the links tie together. Oh, and the subject is of great interest to me.

I thank you for this breath of fresh air!

Subject: Re: My most fun cars have been... Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2001 16:55:49 -0800 From: "Christopher Robin Beddows" chrisbeddowscommunications@home.com To: "C. David Hemp DDS INC" dochemp@c-zone.net

....A 1949 M.G. TC A 1939 Jaguar SS 100 A 1952 Riley RMF A 1962 Beetle in Zambia A Citroen 2CV A 1928 Bentley 6.0 litre Speedster The car in the attachment

But I would love a Panoz AIV Roadster!

Let's keep in touch. Ever thought about having your joint autobiographies ghost-written? Maybe call it "Fangs for the Memory!"

Chris of Vancouver Island
Subject: James Melton - antique autos Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 01:46:59 -0500 From: "Dave or Elaine Selby" dselby@erols.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Hi Doc - all roads seem to lead to your site! Which is great, by the way - I will explore it further to see what the odd corners hold.

I've just finished re-reading, after a 45-year hiatus, James Melton and Ken Purdy's 1954 book 'Bright Wheels Rolling'. I've been trying to find out whether Melton's Autorama collection still exists; the city site for Hypolux, FL says it was there until Melton died in 1961, and I saw a reference to it's being in Daytona Beach, but can't pin that down. Can you give me any info - he had a wonderful collection, which I hope is still intact.

Dave Selby - SIlver Spring, MD
Subject: Inquiry about Horch Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 10:01:53 -0800 From: Peter Laabs peter.laabs@sympatico.ca To: dochemp@c-zone.net


I am a "Vintage Car Nut" from Ontario, Canada. Having visited your exceptional ,and humorous website many times. As I do so I delight in looking at all these beautiful automobiles from the "Romantic Era", and also laugh at your "Humor".

Your Packard and all the others are like "Jewells" to be admired, even from a distance. If it would not be for your "Super" website, the world or the rest of us mere mortals would never have the chance to view these beautiful pieces of "Art". Thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would like to ask you something in regards to The Horch automobiles seen on one of your pages. Alltogether it shows three different cars, one black limo, one silver 855 and one dark colourd large roadster (Build in Berlin). Could you tell me where I may purchase a few photos of these cars? Is there maybe an illustrated book on the market about these rare cars? Perhaps is there a Horch owner club out there?

I would be most grateful for any "Info" you could provide. Thank you in advance and may God bless you.

P.M. Laabs
Ontario, Canada.
Pete .... Thanks for the kind words .... Our site is non - commercial ... we sell nothing yet .... maybe T shirts some day as we are always asked to do .... maybe someday ... but just one more complication in life that takes time away from doing all the fun hobby stuff ..... It's like .... sell T shirts to make more money to have, to have fun doing something else ... which I am already doing ... (grin) .... Go to www.hemmings.com ... they have info on books for all cars and clubs for all cars listed there.
Subject: Hello from Argentina !! Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2001 18:48:31 -0300 From: Hugo Semperena hsemperena@avpsa.com.ar To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Hi Doc and Beckie.

My name is Hugo Semperena. I am from Argentina, and a fan (really a lover) of the antique and classic cars. First I would like congratulate you for your page. It is very nice and I can see the love and passion for the classic cars you have.

I have a 1930 Graham-Paige 1930 Roadster w/rumble seat completely restored during last year. The car has participated in some "Rallies" and exhibitions, and runs perfectly. My wife Silvia and me enjoy to drive it.

Last November it won the First Price Award in the "Autoclasica 2000", the most important Old Car meeting of South America, organized by the "Club de Automoviles Clasicos", and supervised by the F.I.V.A. authorities. The Graham-Paige participated in the category "American Vintage" that includes cars produced between 1919 and 1930 in U.S.A, and the competitors were Cadillac 1928 Phaeton, Packard Light Eight Dual Cowl, Chrysler Cabriolet and Phaeton, Jordan Cabriolet, Essex Sedan, Buick Sedan, etc.

For your information, the Best of Show was a Bugatti Type 57 C Atalante 1939 Gangloff, ownership by Mr. Carlos Sielecki, who participated and obtained 2 trophies in the 2000 Pebble Beach (Maserati A6GCS 1955 Fantuzzi and Napier Hutton 1907 Tourist Trophy). Also I heard that the same car won the Best of Show in Pebble Beach some years ago.

This meeting joined more than 300 cars and 100 motorcycles, during 3 days in the field of the big hippodrome of San Isidro, a very nice Buenos Aires Suburbia. The meeting included a autojumble, flea market, restoration advisors, etc. A qualified judge includes well known people from our country and specialist specially came from U.S. and Europe.

May be you would include some trip to our country in the future...

Attached please find two pictures corresponding to my car, just at the moment of the reception of the Trophy.

Sincerely yours,

Hugo Semperena
Buenos Aires - Argentina

Subject: Web-site, Pebble Beach, Jacques Hargindeguy.... Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2000 06:55:54 +0200 From: Engerud Ivar ivar.engerud@bilia.no To: "'dochemp@c-zone.net'"


I first visited your extensive and well laid out web-site searching for Figoni&Falaschi before going to Pebble Beach this year. There I saw Jacques Harguindeguy's Delahaye-project and got in touch with him. (I was a long time friend of late Lorin Tryon and Franklin Q. Hershey).

Meeting Jacques was a very nice experience and seeing the car taking "Best of Show" was just great - fantastic job on a marvelous car - and congratulations with the update from the show at your site!

Keep up the good work - and enjoy!

Best regards from
Ivar Engerud (Norway)

-----Original Message-----
From: Debbie Wall [mailto:wallx4@hotmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, September 09, 2000 7:58 PM
To: dochemp@c-zone.net
Subject: What a wonderful job!

Dear Doc and Becky,

I was blown away by the sheer beauty and professionalism of your web site and my dad's site you put together for him! Wow!!! It was wonderful that you included Brian Hoyt and his crew, too. This must have taken you a lot of time and effort but it really paid off! My dad is overjoyed with the site and you made him very happy. Thank you for that!

I just finished a murder mystery which is still stuck in my mind a bit. The last 100 pages took forever to read for some reason! It was a good book but I hope I don't have nightmares!

Besides going to two soccer games today, my day has been very kicked back...just the way I like it at times. I hope you both are having a fun and relaxing weekend as well.

Take care, you two!


Subject: RE: Picking up The Fi FA 676 Date: Sun, 9 Jul 2000 08:54:26 EDT From: JACQUESHAR@aol.com

Today It will be home, late this afternoon. Tomorrow to the upholstery shop. Naturally Ken Nemanic will do it. His the best there is, Done many cars for me over the years and for others.
Some of you had a chance to see the car when it arrived here from Switzerland in December 1997. Especially Joe Brilando and Richard Adatto. Richard knows what I went trough before I decided to restore it. It took about 8 months to see if I had Balls enough to engage in another complete restoration. There where some modifications that where done over the years LIKE adding rear view Mirrors on fenders, Radio antennas. Larger tail lights, Language rack on deck lid, Extra parking lights, etc., I could go on and on. I also wanted somebody to restored it close to my residence, so I could drive up and see it at a moment notice. so I decided to go with Perfect Reflection in Hayward, 45 minutes from my house. The shop owner Brian Hoyt and I had few differences but eventually everything worked out very very well In fact we call each other friends sometime Hee Hee.
Brian also Has two guys that worked on car that are very talented: Ken Lawrence (Knows where to have things repaired or reproduced) Don't talk much but get things DONE. and Bill? All I can say about him is jack of all trade and master of ALL. What I really like about this shop is that they all are excited about the project, especially the owner Brian.
I also want to thank a friend I made last year David (Doc) Hemp that put in a web site for me recounting the restoration of the 676. Oh yes If anybody wants to know who built the Body Parts. It is 100% original, Guess there is no rusty cars in the Czech Republic.
And DOC Becky Mercy Beaucoup. In Basque: Milesker
To all others See you soon
Author: Mike Thomas (
Date: Sat Jun 10, 2000 8:49 am
Referer: Search Engine
May God bless you with prosperity every day and I hope you live an long life. I love old cars with a passion and your site IS THE BEST site that I have ever found (Believe me i've done extensive searching) Please do the world a favor: keep this site up for as long as you possibly can. on behalf of car lovers everywhere THANK YOU!!!!! Take Care
Subject: Nostalgia. Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2000 16:53:08 -0400 (EDT) From: JORY163@webtv.net (JOSEPH RYAN) To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Again, Good Sir, your site has been a source of great enjoyment. While going through the Classic Car reading room, I came across your mention of Henry Austin Clark, and the memories came flooding back. During the summers that I was in Prep School, ('46-'49), I worked for a Metropolitan Opera Tenor, in the "James Melton Museum of Antique Automobiles", in Norwalk, Connecticut, which started me in my career in the automobile business. (And also taught me how to polish brass headlamps, and tighten up leaky differentials !!) Mr. Melton and Mr. Clark were together quite often, at meets and shows, and sold cars back and forth often, even though rivals in collecting.

Thank you again for sharing your experiences.

J. K. Ryan, Jr.
Subject: Your Site Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 01:22:20 -0400 (EDT) From: JORY163@webtv.net (JOSEPH RYAN) To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Good Sir, I thank so much for providing me with one of the the most amusing and diverting sites on the Internet. I am a handicapped, 69 year old Irascible Irishman, retired from 50 years in the automobile business,(Less 4 yrs. US Army), who was lucky enough to have a great family, and a satisfying career, (mostly MB dealer sales management), but as the kids and parents left, I found myself with mostly my super-dog for company on weekdays. Then, two years ago Christmas, my good wife gave me a WebTv unit, and it has erased my boredom, and renewed my fascination with learning, and humor, due in great part to people such as yourself, who provide such stimulation on your sites. I am not computer literate, as our children and grandchildren are, but as long as I can access sites such as yours, I am eager to greet each day. Thanks much, Doctor. P.S. I have forwarded to several friends that I haven't seen in @ 15 years the title page of your site, telling them that the picture was of me. (That IS a woodcarving, mostly by hatchet, is it not??)

Thanks again,
Subject: Memorable Evening Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 10:06:57 -0700 From: "Rebecca Capobianco" rcapobianco@shastalink.k12.ca.us To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Dear Dave & Becky,

We just wanted to say Thank you for such a wonderful time last evening at the picnic for Senator Johannessen. We were pleasantly surprised to find that we had met before. Thankyou Dave for showing your toys, the Packard is positively gorgeous. We hope to see you again, perhaps on a Harley ride.

Bob & Becky Capobianco

P.S. What a fantastic website! We much enjoyed the articles & photos.


Bob & Becky,
Thanks for the kind words! Was great seeing you again .... 180 paid tickets at around $75 apiece .. was a pretty successful fund raiser ole Abe (Maurice) Lincoln. Everyone loves an ole steam train ride too!

Bob, I stopped by K&A cycles to see your new red & yellow American Iron motorcyle! ..... Well .... after thinking it over ... and since the one I liked was $27,900 ....... I think if I'm going to go non Harley .. I am going for the fastest motorcyle in the world ... that new Kawasaki .... the 200+ mph one for 1/2 the price, .... 187 H.P. ... I have stayed away from these high speed crotch rockets because I always thought I would kill myself on one .... sheeiiiittt! .. the longer I go now, the more I fear ending up shuffling around in a rest home playing with my oatmeal! (and that too if I can still find it) .... so ... if you see a rice burner with a BIG blob on it coming up behind you ... just turn your key off and pull over peaceful like, since the vortex alone will prolly de-clothe you, as I go by my friend .... (grin) (grin) ... It really is beyond incredible! I am Jealous!

Kind Regards,
Doc Hemp
Subject: pictures on net Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 23:56:48 -0700 (PDT) From: dicksue8888@webtv.net (Dick Osborne) To: dochemp@c-zone.net

I`m sending a group of pictures. the black& whites are for you just to show my cars. keep them.!! The Studebaker is for the web or net. the packard you can put on net if you want to. Keep them!! I restored and own each car. All my cars get 1st. place 1st time at show A.A.C.A.I did each car Bolt by bolt I did each car average 1 a year.I`m very proud of my work.Other Studebakers I did were 29 Commander Conv. Cab. 32 Dictator St.REgis. 31 pres Roadster. Did I tell this to you befor???

1941 Packard, owner is Dick Osborne, Riverside CA.
See the 34 Studebaker Roadster on our Classic Car Page
below see Dick in 1974 with John Wayne

Subject: Your web site/s Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2000 10:12:24 -0800 (PST) From: Robert Sorensen rrsorensen_98@yahoo.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Dear Doc,
While searching for a picture of an Oakland auto, I ran across your web site/s and lost track of time exploring the many avenues to follow. It was really very enjoyable and I will stop back again and recommend it to my friends.
The Midi music contributes a lot to the charm.
Thanks for your hobby.
Bob Sorensen
Rock Island, IL
Subject: French Cars Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2000 22:28:12 EST From: Rsadatto@aol.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Doc Hemp

I like what you are doing with Frenchys car project. I am one of his close friends and your unveiling of his car enhances this work of art.
Your site is deep,
I am glad it is not commercial.

Richard Adatto
Subject: The Search Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2000 21:19:02 -0800 From: "Terry J. Crowder" tjcrowder@email.msn.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Greetings! Really enjoyed cruising thru your website and the great pix. My family has always been Studebaker/Packard fans. I'm not sure if you can help me; this is my first attempt at locating a very special Studebaker. This particular car is (was? - heaven forbid!) a 1955 Studebaker Commander, yellow exterior, white interior, dearly referred to as "Goldbug," and it's last known address was in Oregon. It belonged to my wonderful uncle and when he passed away, his son inherited it. Unfortunately, he sold it to who knows who. I cannot ask my cousin to whom he sold "Goldbug" because he has now passed away, too. While I am not in the position at this time to attempt to reacquire this beautiful automobile back into the family, I would like to see if I could find it, to know it has a good home, and perhaps reminisce with "Goldbug" about my uncle. Do you have any suggestions as to where I might turn my search? My uncle really loved this car and I know he would like it to someday come back to us. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. Keep up the good work with "The Club."
Hope to hear back from you.
Subject: The best Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2000 16:22:38 -0500 (EST) From: GIGI135@webtv.net (JACQULYN SNODEN) To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Hi Doc & Becky
What a great site!!!! We keep on enjoying it day after day .. We still haven't seen the whole site yet!!! The Cars , the Bikes , the Trains , the planes , And the great music!! Can't say enough about it ...... We just love it ................ Keep up the good work!! Thanks alot , See you around like a donut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

have a great evening

Subject: (no subject) Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2000 16:06:34 -0700 From: Bob Taylor btaylor@firstam.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net

The best--WOW!

Subject: good work Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2000 19:59:44 -0500 From: "Roy Mathews" rawee@accessunited.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Your web site is by far the most interesting and entertaining that I have ever seen...Please continue the good work and keep the fun coming.... I am able to live some of my fantasies by scrolling through your many pages of fantastic adventures..

Roy Mathews
Subject: Thanks Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2000 01:07:55 EST From: CydniCat@aol.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net

This is the best site ever! Thanks =)

Subject: Reply to webstite Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2000 12:57:28 EST From: Cherzin@aol.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Dear Dave and Becky

Nice to good people communicating good things. I teacvh Special Ed Resource on the High School Level and some days it's exhausting to combat neglectful parents and drug influences to keep kids in school so they can get that all important high school diploma. Oh well we keep the faith and keep on trying!! I' d like to ask your help to find a model of a 1969 Buick Skylark (Blue) or a real good quality photo to be framed for my son who will be graduating this June. It is his first car and I have just helped him get a Ford Bronco to go back and forth to school and work during the snow time in New England.

Thanks if you can direct me in the right direction and happy trails if you can't!

Subject: from the Auburn Cord Duesenberg Festival Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2000 10:19:00 -0500 From: "Tammy Lorey" acdfestival@ctlnet.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Hi Becky and Dave!

I found your site while I was checking out our link on the Classic Car Club of America site.

I noticed that Charles Petty of Jasper Indiana owns a Studebaker--I am from Jasper. I've been living in Auburn Indiana for the past 10 years, but I lived in South Bend for the first four years after I graduated from Ball State University. To tell you what a small world it is, I worked at the Studebaker Mansion (Tippecanoe Place) as a waitress for a "fun job" when I was a paralegal in South Bend. AND, George Witwer, one of my current Board Members, is from the Studebaker family. There is at least one Studebaker auto in the Auburn Cord Duesenberg Museum, where my office is located.

I wondered if you had Charles Petty's address is Jasper, so that I could send him an Auburn Cord Duesenberg Festival Souvenir Guide from 1999. I can probably find it through someone in my hometown, but I thought I'd send this note to you.

Have a good day!

Tammy Lorey
Executive Director
Subject: amazing! Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2000 02:59:32 -0600 From: "Hargrave S" catnhat@ionet.net To: dochemp@c-zone.net

this is by far the best sight i have been to. bet you, this is on my "favorites" when i get me rr together i hope that i can use the creativity that you have used.

Officer David Hargrave
Helena PD
Helena Oklahoma

Subject: Vintage Car Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2000 21:08:48 +0200 From: Craig Barendse barendse@planetmls.co.za Organization: Spirit of Unity Ministries To: dochemp@c-zone.net

I am looking for a photo / s of a classic car ... hollywood / spits / special ???? circa 1950.
If you know of or know anyone who has a photo/s of this vehicle i will be much obliged.
Thanking you .
ps. a really great site.

e-mail me at
Craig Barendse
Port Elizabeth
Rep. South Africa

Subject: Thanks Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2000 00:07:08 -0000 From: "Vaughan" vaughanpurvis@scriptwriter.fsbusiness.co.uk To: dochemp@c-zone.net
Vaughan wrote:





Thanks for the kind words .... isn't the internet great ... if we can only keep it free ... afraid sites like ours will soon be a thing of the past ... wiped out by commercialism
Dave & Becky
Subject: The best Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2000 16:22:38 -0500 (EST) From: GIGI135@webtv.net (JACQULYN SNODEN) To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Hi Doc & Becky

What a great site!!!! We keep on enjoying it day after day .. We still haven't seen the whole site yet!!! The Cars , the Bikes , the Trains , the planes , And the great music!! Can't say enough about it ...... We just love it ................ Keep up the good work!! Thanks alot , See you around like a donut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
have a great evening
Subject: Impressed! Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1999 23:33:22 EST From: Borgjord@aol.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Hi Hemps......

My name is Paul Borgwardt. Jacques Harguindeguy is a friend and neighbor of mine here in Walnut Creek. At lunch the other day, we were talking cars and computers and he told me of your web-site. Well ... all I can say is WOW! I not only enjoy antique auto's ( I own 13) but also love trains. My father was a founding member of B.A.E.R.A. at Rio Vista Jct. That was my play-ground on weekends in the 60,s and 70,s. Your autos and train are great fun to look at and I'm sure they bring you great joy and pride. I'll check this site again soon to see whats new.
Subject: Re: co chair Date: Thu, 23 Dec 1999 11:14:33 -0800 From: GLENN MOUNGER Organization: AFAB To: dochemp dochemp@c-zone.net References: 1 , 2 , 3

Dear Doc,

The titles for next year(2000) are as follows: Ed Gilbertson, Chief Judge/ Jules Heumann, Chairman Emeritus/ and Glenn Mounger, Chairman.
Subject: Re: Happy Holidays Date: Sat, 11 Dec 1999 15:18:24 -0800 From: GLENN MOUNGER Organization: AFAB To: dochemp dochemp@c-zone.net References: 1

Dear Doc,

I've been down in Carmel doing Pebble Beach Concours stuff, so I just got a chance to check out your web site. It looks fabulous! I always enjoy seeing you pictures and the holiday music as well.

You mentioned that your Packard and 31 Duesenberg were (to be)featured at Kool April Nights, do I understand that to mean you own a Duesenberg. If so which one? I kinda keep track of them for my files.

(>>>>>>No .... the Duesy belongs to Bob & Mary Hoffman .... will be featured with our Packard)

Thanks for the Studebaker idea it looks as if this year we will have more than enough cars in our American Classic area.

(>>>>>>> Glenn, no I was thinking of 2001 or 2002 - Doc Hemp)

My best to you and your family during the holidays.
subject: Great site Date: Mon, 20 Dec 1999 20:49:09 EST From: BluefluDon@aol.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net

What a great site!!!! I will be able to spend hours in here. I am a nut for trains, planes and automobiles. I'm located 20 miles west of Phila PA next to Valley Forge National Park.

Thanks for the trip!!!

Subject: Harleys and Packards Date: Thu, 23 Dec 1999 01:26:48 -0500 From: Stella Pyrtek-Blond stellacapp@earthlink.net To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Love your web site.

Just started looking around and will be back for more fun.

Love the combination of Harley's and Packards!

Better than a Christmas card.

Stella Pyrtek-Blond
from The Packard Club
Subject: Re: new Classic Car Page Date: Mon, 6 Dec 1999 22:27:03 EST From: ChuxGarage@aol.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net


Where in the hell do you find the time to do all this stuff???!!! I'd like to know the secret. My life is relatively simple, yet you make me feel like a real underachiever.

BTW, are you also the MIDI Music Maestro too?

Merry Christmas to you and Becky!

Subject: One Cool Site Date: Mon, 6 Dec 1999 18:02:52 -0800 From: "Webb" webb@hurricane.net To: dochemp@c-zone.net

I just wanted to let you know you have the coolest site I have ever seen. I dont have time to see it all tonight but I have saved it to my list of favorites. I will be checking it out more someday soon. Just for the record I am in Port Orchard Wa,

Subject: HCCA Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 17:02:31 -0400 From: Ed Herman edherman@concentric.net To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Do you have any information on a 1903 Denison, Built by my wife great grandfather, in New Haven CT?
Subject: Julian F Denison Date: Tue, 02 Nov 1999 13:48:11 -0500 From: Ed Herman edherman@concentric.net To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Thanks to your help we found out a lot about great grandfathers cars. How would we proceed to locate one if any are still in existence.

Ed Herman
Subject: congratulation Date: Sun, 07 Nov 1999 16:33:35 -0300 From: Nazaret BAtistuzo nazaret.batistuzo@avalon.sul.com.br To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Dear Sir. We love olds cars and Studebaker is very historical brand, that represent the USA trou the world of antiques automobiles. I am sorry, we do not have a Stud car. With our love from Brazil. South America.
Nazaret and Francisco
Subject: Re: HOG Dam to dam Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 13:01:48 EDT From: EdGilberts@aol.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Hello Doc,

It was nice to hear from you. Glad to hear you enjoyed Pebble Beach. Sorry we did not have a chance to meet while we were both still there. As Lynn indicated, I am a longtime Harley rider. Got my first Harley, a '47 Knucklehead, in 1953. First rode to Sturgis in 1956. Have been there numerous times since. Also have been going to the various events around Northern California for many years. I presently have three Harleys. They are a modified FX Shovelhead, modified FXR Evo, and new FXDX Twin-Cam. Don't get to do as much riding as I would like to, but try to keep all three running well and up to snuff.

The dam-to-dam ride sounds like fun. Unfortunately our schedule is such that I won't be able to make that one. In fact, we won't be here a good part of the time; but thank you for the offer to join you along the way. I wish you a good ride.

You indicated that you have a friend who wishes to join the Ferrari Club of America. I have been Preservation Chairman and Chief Judge for the club for many years. Membership information can be obtained by calling 1-800-328-0444 or by accessing the FCA website which is at www.ferrariclubofamerica.org.

I look forward to seeing you out on the road or perhaps up your way one of these days.

Ride free....Ed
Subject: Re: photo Packard Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 11:27:38 -0700 From: Bud Juneau cbjphoto@goldstate.net To: dochemp dochemp@c-zone.net

Thanks for your e-mail. I have heard that your Packard is in the next SIA, but I have not seen it.

I have ordered a few prints made up for you, and they should be done in a week or two. Prints from slides take a little bit more time.

Thanks for the sunset picture of the train, what a great shot!
Hope you had a good time at Pebble, I had a conflict and did not attend. Look forward to seeing you again soon. Best, Bud.
Subject: Re: Pebble site & SIA Date: Fri, 03 Sep 1999 13:29:29 -0700 From: Bud Juneau cbjphoto@goldstate.net To: dochemp dochemp@c-zone.net

Your html opened great, and I love your site. Thanks for the nice comments. Well, you know me, I tell it like it is, so not offended at all by Blackies comments.
Your vcf does not open, so I probably do not have whatever program it is in.
Thanks for writing and I enjoyed you Pebble Site. Oh, by the way, that photo with the ocean in the background on Monday is great. I have not seen SIA yet, my postman is a slow reader, but will be finished with it soon and deliver it (I hope).
Subject: Great P.B.C.d'E. page Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 21:14:51 -0700 From: GLENN MOUNGER Organization: AFAB To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Dear Dave & Becky,

Just a short note to say that I enjoyed your Pebble Beach experience web page. It was a lot of fun to have the two of you join us for this years concours.

See ya on down the road......Glenn
Subject: Hello... Date: Sun, 7 Nov 1999 06:23:50 -0800 (PST) From: Dale Sandman sandmand@jps.net To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Hi Doc,

My name is Dale H. Sandman and I live in Antelope, California. I was crusing the web one morning and typed in the words DUAL COWL PHEATON and ran into your super neat web site. You have a swell sense of humor and a really well constructed website. I am retired from the Southern Pacific Railraod, due to a disablity, as a mechanic. I'm also am a member of the Early Ford V-8 Club of America and have restored four (4) 1935 Fords: a pick-up (sold), a pheaton (a real knock-out), a fordor touring sedan, and a panel delivery truck. The panel truck is on load at the Towe Auto Museum in Sacramento and is an exact replica of the actual Ford Motor Company Service Mechanical Training panel the Ford used back in '35. If you ever have the chance in go to the museum you'll see it, it's red with service green lettering that says Service Mechanical Training and Ford Motor Company painted on its sides. I had to have my larnyx removed about a year and a half ago due to cancer but I have a device in my throat that allows to speak. Well so much about me. Your 1933 Packard Dual Cowl Pheaton is a real knock-out! I bet that car really drives nice. Is it upholstered in leather? Mine is done in genuine "artifical leather" taken from the hides of two real "Naugas" (naugahides). Can't afford the real stuff! Do you drive the Packard often? I try to drive my ole Fords as much as I can because it really hurts those old cars if you don't. My pheaton is my favorite, drives like a dream and has a good rear end ratio, 3:78 to 1. I would guess that your Packard probably runs a 4:11 or better due to the fact it's a longer stroke engine than my of V-8 flathead. Well, I'll close here and hope that if you have the chance to e-mail me back that you do. Again, you have a great website. I hope to have a modest one up soon on '35 Fords. You take care.

Another Old Car Nut,
Subject: (no subject) Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 12:12:32 EDT From: Trashy67@aol.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net

What a great page on the Pebble Beach Concours and tour.

I'm Stuart Pressman tour volunteer coordinator, I also run the field day of show. (Sunday being my main job.) Reading a page like this makes my job well worth it.
If you come out next year please introduce yourself, love to meet you. I too am a Harley rider. (Late 1984 fxrp) Not the prettiest model but surely the most bang for the buck.
See ya cruising somewhere!!!!!

Stuart Pressman
Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance committee.

Subject: Old Book Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 23:34:43 EDT From: DRichm1435@aol.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Found your site with the old cars. GREAT site!!! I don't have a car, but do have an old book you or someone else might be interested in. "SELF PROPELLED VEHICLES" by J.E. Homans, A Practical Illustrated Treatise on Automobiles, 7th edition 1910 Revised, published by Audel & Co. Some of the chapters include chpt. IX. SOLID RUBBER TIRES; THEIR THEORY and CONSTRUCTION, chpt. XXX. THE CONSTRUCTION and OPERATION of BRAKES on MOTOR CARRIAGES and chpt. XXXVIII. BOILER ATTACHMENTS and AUTOMATIC REGULATING DEVICES. The book is in pretty good condition, pages are tight and clean. 667 pages. Cover has minor wear. Anyone interested? I will take offers.
Hope to hear from you, Dan Richmond, Manhattan Beach, Cal.
Subject: Just to Complement You On your continued good work. Date: Sun, 29 Aug 1999 10:58:28 +0000 From: Robert Fox rflowriderii@worldnet.att.net Organization: Fox Advertising To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Hello Doc Hemp and Becky,

Just a short note from Bob Fox in Winston-Salem, NC. (a fellow practicing dentist for 32 years, and avid Harley Rider for 47 Years). It seems that we must share in just about everything that that is fun to do in this life. I enjoy your site very much and go to it on a regular basis.

Keep on keeping on! Perhaps, sometime we will meet you at Sturgis or some other location. I have not had a trip to California just lately, but as soon as I retire (any time now), I hope to get out to the left coast.(and perhaps, ride as much of PCH as possible). Take care and keep on enjoying life!

Subject: Re: photo Packard Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 11:27:38 -0700 From: Bud Juneau cbjphoto@goldstate.net To: dochemp dochemp@c-zone.net

Thanks for your e-mail. I have heard that your Packard is in the next SIA, but I have not seen it.

I have ordered a few prints made up for you, and they should be done in a week or two. Prints from slides take a little bit more time.

Thanks for the sunset picture of the train, what a great shot!

Hope you had a good time at Pebble, I had a conflict and did not attend.

Look forward to seeing you again soon.


Subject: Your Cool Web Site Date: Fri, 3 Sep 1999 16:19:26 -0700 From: "marshall" marshall@c-zone.net To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Dear Dave and Becky,

Thank you for your way "Cool" BAD Chariots web site. A special thanks to the Dedication to Bucky, I had no idea he had passed away. I will also miss very much.

I have been a volunteer off and on at Cool for several years as a NCDRA member.

I have shown my 64 1/2 Mean Machine Mustang bracket car several times at Cool and sold it right out of the Civic at Cool 1992 and than had a heart attack the following Nov.92 and open heart the and Dec.92 along with two strokes Feb. 98.

I am still after it and hope to be useful in April 2000 at CAN.

Again, thank you for your way Cool Web Site.

Marshall Wheeler,
AKA: The Mean Machine

Subject: Good job.... Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1999 18:07:55 -0700 (PDT) From: KickBack_1@webtv.net (Joe E. Terry, Jr.) To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Your web page was great! Thanks.....joe

Subject: Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1999 15:32:45 -0700 From: "KIM FANG, M.D., D.D.S., F.A.C.S." kfang69@earthlink.net To: "DAVE HEMP" dochemp@c-zone.net





Subject: cool site Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 01:51:39 +0300 From: "Mari-Liis Lind" hall@online.ee To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Hi Dave & Becky!

We are two historic race car fans and we were surfing round the net. We think your site is really really cool and the photos are just marvellous. We liked especially the Monterey Historic Automobile Races photo and also the photo about Ed Archer and his original 1915 Ford. The music that comes along is also nice.

Thank you for a cool site.

Mari-Liis and Triin
Subject: Wow! Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 09:37:25 -0700 From: Michelle Noseworthy michelle@kinshipcenter.org To: dochemp@c-zone.net

You made my, what promised to be a very dull day, a great one. Good laughs. Lynn Morris at the Concours office turned me on to your site--keep up the good work!

One of the many proud Concours Volunteers

Subject: Great P.B.C.d'E. page Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 21:14:51 -0700 From: GLENN MOUNGER Organization: AFAB To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Dear Dave & Becky,

Just a short note to say that I enjoyed your Pebble Beach experience web page. It was a lot of fun to have the two of you join us for this years concours.

See ya on down the road......Glenn

Subject: web site Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 23:44:50 -0700 From: cindy cameron cindy.cameron@sympatico.ca To: dochemp@c-zone.net

just wanted to drop a line to say you have a great web site.we both enjoyed the pictures and letters.

thanks again

Subject: AWSOME!!! Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1999 10:25:52 -0700 From: Richard Lebsock dragontamer@snowcrest.net Reply-To: www.snowcrest.net/rlebsock@snowcrest.net Organization: Sir Richard the Dragon Tamer To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Greetings from Visalia, Ca.
I had to let you guys know that I envy you SOOOOO much. I had a Merc when I was in high school. It was the Monterey 2 dr. hardtop. I put a continental kit on the back and lowered it 6". Needless to say that car WAS my love. I lived in Colorado at the time and the winters put a crimp on my weekly wax sessions with "Rebel". (I see you have your car named too). Today I have only memories of that special time in my life. You guys are truly blessed to have with you that special time and it is still alive.
Subject: how did you do at pebble Date: Fri, 3 Sep 1999 08:20:02 EDT From: JACQUESHAR@aol.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Was there Friday, was back home by 3 PM, stayed at home sat sun. Was at blackhawk Monday also at Arturo Kellers post pebble party, Big Time Big Bucks. Some day i will take you there. Probably the best private museum anywhere i believe even better then blackhawk
See you Jacques

Subject: No big deal Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 09:04:42 EDT From: JACQUESHAR@aol.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Hi Doc and Becky
Took few days off, saw all your new sites, you have been busy. I installed a new cable Internet service, now I have to learn how to use it. I'll call you later this morning

See you Jacques
Subject: Greetings from London. Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999 10:36:41 +0100 From: "David R. Brimson." david@crailville.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Hello and greetings from London,

I have just spent far too much time out of the working day looking at you website, the quality and interest however fully justified the time for me, well done. A couple of points of particular interest revolving around the Figoni Delahaye that you feature. If you care to look at my website you will see that car just as I received it from India shortly after it was discovered, together with several pictures of some of the replica,s I was commissioned to make. I was also delighted to see a mention to Jacques Harguindeguy and his latest aquisition. I am currently commissioned by Jacques for some specialist work to this very car.....small world eh? thanks to the net. I loved your site as it reflects the essence of the enthusiast. I would dearly love to exchange links with you. I am sure you will find my site a worthy companion to yours. Please take a look and let me know what you think.



David R. Brimson.
Subject: WOW! Date: Mon, 9 Aug 1999 19:49:16 -0700 From: "skurzet" skurzet@email.msn.com To: "Doc Hemp" dochemp@c-zone.net Where the hell do I go to vote this the best GD site on the World Wide Web?

Doc, I thought I was impressed with your old site, but this is awesome. Good thing I have a satellite (DirecPC) hook up to enjoy this. It only takes a second or two to load each page so I was able to zoom through.

Pray tell, when do you sleep? Or rather, do you ever sleep? You've got so many irons in the fire I've lost count of them.

Considering all the toys I've had, I didn't think I would envy anyone, but that Packard of yours is something else. Magnificent. You have more bragging rights than anyone I know.



Subject: ad Date: Thu, 5 Aug 1999 11:50:45 EDT From: Royajudd@aol.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net

HI I have a few Studebaker items from my private collection, for sale. How can I run an ad? please check out my website--cars/parts for sale

Below see Royajudd's 29 Pierce Aroww, 31 Cad V12, 53 RR lwb lhd HJM Limo.

Subject: 1932 Lincoln Date: Fri, 06 Aug 1999 20:48:45 -0700 From: Connie connie@ccio.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net


My husband and I just inherited a 1932 Lincoln Model KB 12 cyl. 7 passenger Willoughby Limo. I was wondering if you could tell us where to begin to learn about this car. We know absolutely nothing about antique cars. It has been totally restored and it is beautiful. We can traced the first owner to only 1959.

Any kind of informatio you can give us, would be most appreciated.

Thank you.

Woodland, California

Subject: What a nice surprise Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 09:08:04 EDT From: JACQUESHAR@aol.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Got my c.c.c.a bulletin and downloaded your site. I just scratched the surface, but noticed the nice things you said about my dear departed friend Lorin Tryon. I agree 100% on what you had to say. He was an unbelievable (friend) for almost 30 years. I will give you a call at your convenience. I am a lousy typist, takes me for ever. please tell me the time and day (I can reach you) . You can get hold of me just about any time, from 4.30 am to 6.30 am. I walk my dogs till 8 am and free most of the day. sincerely.
Jacques Harguindeguy
8/99 .... Becky & I have visited Jacques & Betty .... they are great folks ..... got to see some of his great cars too ...
Subject: CAR TAX REFUNDS Date: Sat, 8 May 1999 09:23:13 EDT From: Pgwoosley@aol.com

The official California car (and other vehicle) tax refund notice is at

www.dmv.ca.gov/refund-notice and in DMV offices.

Patrick Woosley
Subject: senate-news(johannessen,press-releases): smog impact fee bill passes hurdle Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 15:19:23 -0700 (PDT) From: Senate-News-Reply@SEN.CA.GOV To: Doc Hemp dochemp@c-zone.net

April 21, 1999
916) 445-3353

SACRAMENTO: A measure by State Senator Maurice Johannessen which would evaporate the $300 smog impact fee won approval in the Senate Transportation Committee on Tuesday, April 20.

The fee is imposed on out-of-state vehicles when first registered in California. In 1997 a Sacramento judge declared it unconstitutional; however, the state is still collecting the fee. Johannessen wants the state to scrap the fee altogether.

Senator Johannessen said, "The time is now for the state legislature to vaporize this unconstitutional tax once and for all. Other states like Florida have declared the smog impact fee illegal. But since the tax generates approximately $69 million annually for California, legislators and bureaucrats alike do not want to see this money slip away into the ozone."

The Smog Impact Fee was enacted in 1990 as part of the package of measures designed to balance and implement the state's budget for 1990-91.

However, on October 10, 1997, Sacramento Superior Court Judge, Joe S. Gray, ruled the statute unconstitutional. In his opinion, Gray stated, "[T]his holding means that the statute was unconstitutional when it was adopted, when it was implemented, today and tomorrow."

Gray added, "The State is admittedly collecting an illegal tax and spending it and can continue to do so until an appellate court declares it unconstitutional and the appeals process is final."

In 1994 the Florida Supreme Court held that a vehicle impact fee in Florida was unconstitutional under the Commerce Clause, and then ordered the state to pay refunds.

In Judge Gray's 1997 opinion he ordered the State to keep records of all who pay the tax so refund checks may be sent once the decision is final. He also told the State to notify taxpayers that this system is in place.

SB 230 now moves to the Senate Appropriations Committee.
For a copy of the bill contact Dean McEwen at (916) 445-3353.
Subject: Zimmerman Automobile Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 20:36:18 -0500 From: "Rick Mitchell" mitchells@locl.net To: dochemp@c-zone.net

I ran across your address on a classic car web page. My wife and I are looking for a Zimmerman Automobile that would have been manufactured in Auburn, IN. Is there any way you can help? We currently own the home of John Zimmerman who built the Zimmerman Automobile. I would appreciate any leads you could give me. Thank you for your time.


Rick Mitchell
Subject: Zimmerman Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 06:53:57 -0700 From: "John C. Meyer III" john@horseless.com Organization: Horseless Carriage Gazette To: Rick Mitchell mitchells@locl.net CC: "C. David Hemp DDS" dochemp@c-zone.net, Roberta Watkins hcfi@aol.com

Dear Rick!

Perhaps the Horseless Carriage Foundation Research Library can fill in the details about Zimmerman.

Another place to start would be with Donald L. Welch, 270 N Van Buren in Monroe, Indiana. He has a 1910 Zimmerman. There is also a Zimmerman in the Auburn Cord Duesenberg Museum in Auburn and another in California owned by a couple named Zimmerman.

Hope this helps,
Subject: Complements Date: Thu, 15 Apr 1999 22:12:53 EDT From: Sidemounts@aol.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Dave and Becky your site is just great, and many thanks for the lorin tryon photo's and kind thoughts' He was a good friend. Your new car is from a friend of mine (Ron Doss) I''ve been in and under it many times (Great Car). I hope you will take it on a CCCA caravan. Glenda and I love the Caravans and are looking forward to the Arizona trip next month. Were taking our 41 Darrin and will drive it from Omaha. I'm attaching a photo of our 37 Packard 12 Conv Coupe.
Hope to see you on a tour

Warm regards
Don Sears

Subject: 1929 Marmon Roosevelt Date: Fri, 9 Apr 1999 12:39:28 -0400 From: "Kevin Moore" guskvm@email.msn.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Hi Doc,

I own a very interesting car that I am having a lot of trouble finding information on. This car is a 1929 Marmon Roosevelt Five Passanger Sedan. I am hoping you can help me find some information on this car. All I know is that this car was built in Indianapolis, Indiana, it was built in 1929 and 1930, and it was claimed to be the first straight eight sold under $1000. All the help you can give sure would help.
Kevin Moore
Subject: 1932 Packard Super 8 Date: Fri, 09 Apr 1999 04:23:28 -0700 From: George Petrusich lphotos@sedona.net To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Hi I am the Guy who had the Greeeen 1934 V-12 Packard 5Pass Phaeton 15years ago. I sold and moved to Az. I will be selling what is left soon and thought you might be interested. I have owned the Rockguard for 31Years and It is time to let go. you get 1st shot. I like your 1933 Super 8 D.C. I would like $850.00 It makes an outstanding wall hanger. I have Other Goodys and have a Web Site under Construction.


Your Web is outstanding.
Thank You Kindly.

P.S. Also have Original 1933-34 Brass Bird.
Subject: Question and praise Date: Sun, 4 Apr 1999 13:59:12 -0500 From: "Phil Kircher" phil@outtech.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Dave & Becky:
First the praise, I loved your tour of the century and the rest of your site. Although I don't restore or collect cars I thought your site was great with a capital g.

The Question I have is regarding the attached. I have a post card made by a relation of mine that includes a photograph of a car. I'm pretty sure it is a Studebaker but I don't know anything more. Any information that you could provide me would be appreciated I.e..: model and year?, original cost?

I'm sorry I don't know the location of this car but it would be interesting to find out what it might be worth today.

Thanks for your help. And again your site is filled with beautiful pictures, is easy to navigate and loads quickly considering the amount of graphic material.

Thanks again,
Phil Kircher

Subject: Can you identify this automobile??? Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 23:03:55 -0400 From: "Robert J. Mattson" mscsinc@ids.com Organization: MSCS inc To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Dave and Becky,

I have this old postcard that I inherited a few years back. Ever since I have been trying to identify the automobile in the attached picture. >From what I have learned about postcards, I know that this picture was taken between 1898 and 1905. My father is an automechanic, and collects vintage farm engines. We have looked through all the material he has and still come up blank. Please help me.

Bob Mattson
Smithfield, RI

Subject: Re: what's new? Date: Sat, 3 Apr 1999 21:25:20 EST From: ChuxGarage@aol.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net

I envy you with the train ride. Not much new at this time, but soon the "Bulletin" should come out ( 2-3 weeks). I think you'll get pretty busy then.

We'll see!


Subject: Re: gidday mate Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 00:22:33 +1200 From: David Lane davesall@ihug.co.nz To: dochemp dochemp@c-zone.net References: 1

Dave and Becky Ltd

how are you guys getting on. We have just lost our day light savings last week end and for us it's closing in onto winter. We have had the most glorious summer in memory and even today our tempt is about 10 degs above average normal for this time of the year.

The bikes have done over 10000 kilometres over the summer months. I have made a startling discovery about my Stude. I had the current motor fully reconditioned 5years ago. (I told you about all the sealing work that was carried out to prevent water egress) Because the engine had done so few miles some things were not required to be reconditioned. Ok since I got it up and running I have never been 100% happy with the performance relating to pulling power on long hills. I had the carb reconditioned in Long Island NY but that didn’t make the difference. I had the 6 volt system changed to 12 volts and that didn't do it either. I pulled it down many times looking for the problem. Eventually I came to the conclusion that the valve timing was out. I dismantled, altered the valve timing and reassembled that "B.......y" engine about seven times over the last year and still I was unhappy. Then I gave up and just drove it. Well about 3 weeks ago Sally and I went down to the annual Art Deco Rally in Napier which is 500 miles away and I got so pissed off with the car hill climbing ability that I resolved to find it for once and for all when I got home. I hired an engineer and he came to my home and it took him 3 hrs to find the problem. The inlet lobe of the camshaft of #1 was 7 degrees out compared to the inlet lobe of #8.related to the fly wheel markings. Bingo!! He told me that the shaft had to have been twisted at some time. Possibly a rear bearing may have seized at some stage. Well out it came and it was not until we got it to the cam shaft people that reality of the problem became evident. It was not twisted at all as first thought rather it was ground originally at the factory incorrectly. As the grinding machine ran down the length of the shaft, the cutting tool was slowly rotating around the diameter of the shaft. Hence the discrepancy of 7 degs by the time it finished the last lobe. No wonder I could get half of the motor running well. But never the whole lot. This shaft had never been ground since original. Well I put it back last weekend and hells bells have I got a new motor car now. It's got more pulling power than a city full of prostitutes waiting for the American Army to hit town. I'm like a pig in shit at the moment. Got this real grunty 69 years old motor car that’s finally can show a clean pair of heals. Well that’s my story at the present time. Hey my new engine has just turned over 19000 miles.

Other than that, alls well here and we are still on target to come to the USA next July with our bikes. I will keep you up to date as progress develops. Must away now. Talk to you soon.

Love and best wishes to you both.

Another Dave and the one and only Sally.
David & Sally own the only other mid year 1930 Studebaker President Roadster & also ride Harleys like Becky & I do.
Subject: Linking to The Eastwood Company Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 14:27:45 -0500 From: Curt Strohacker strohacker@chesco.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net

I found your Studebaker site and was quite impressed. Would you consider linking our site to yours? We supply a lot of unique tools used in maintaining, restoring and customizing cars. Eastwood has been in business since 1978 helping hundreds of thousands of car enthusiasts solve their automotive problems. You can check out our site at

Our site has experienced a great deal of traffic from our catalog promotion magazine ads and especially television advertising. We are looking to increase that with reciprocal links with non competitive companies such as yourselves. If this is agreeable to you please let me know how you would like your site described.

We have on line e commerce and our complete catalog is on-line for customer ordering.

Suggested link description: "Source of unique hard-to-find tools and supplies for restoring or customizing. Really neat stuff for the home mechanic. Free catalog and secure on line ordering"

If you would like to add a graphic link to our site please choose any of the banners on this page:

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me via e mail or the below numbers.

Curt Strohacker
Easthill Group Inc.
The Eastwood Company â "Unique Automotive Tools And Supplies

580 Lancaster Ave
Malvern, PA. 19355
610 640 1450 x2001 fax 610 644 1028

Subject: Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 13:47:03 -0600 From: "Osberg" rosberg@wr.net To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Doc & Becky........
Thanks so much for your wonderful site. I just found it and I'm having a ball, plus learning a lot. Telling everybody I know about ya'll. Knowing how much you put into this work , mere thanks just don't seem enough. Wife Mary and I (Bob) see ourselves in the near future when we can retire (I hate that word) riding off into the sunset on our Harleys as our kids are thinking ,"but what about our inheretence". This world needs a lot more fine people like you and Becky. Thank you ever so much, may God prosper you, and keep 'er shining.
Bob & Mary
S. Beloit , Illinois

Above CCCA Member John Dwyers Mid year 1930 Studebaker President FE Sedan

Subject: 1930 Chrysler Model "77" Pick Up Date: Sat, 06 Mar 1999 16:06:18 PST From: "ED DUBIL" edubil@hotmail.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Hello. I own a very rare vehicle that I found in Ethiopia in 1970 while in the US Army. It is a 1930 Chrysler Model "77" pick up. It was a special order vehicle that was ordered by Walter P. Chrysler himself in 1929 for a German Brewmaster. It went from Germany to Italy then to Ethiopia in 1942. I have the complete history on its travels around the globe, but I have had a hard time placing a value on it for insurance purposes. I have been told from $100,000 to $500,000 and that has been from actual appraisers for antique vehicles. I was wondering what you thought and what you know about the 1930 Chrysler Model "77" cars. This was from the Royale coupe. My other e-mail address is dubil@epix.net Thank you Ed Dubil. The truck has been completely restored and is in concourse condition. Also a rarity on the truck is that because it was shipped to Europe, all the gauges in the interior are in metric.
Subject: RE: Pierce Arrow Date: Tue, 2 Mar 1999 19:37:22 -0600 From: "frank upton" fupton@worldnet.att.net To: "dochemp" dochemp@c-zone.net

Here the information on the Pierce Arrow.

1929 Pierce Arrow Model 133 CF (Leather Top) Sport Coupe. It has an eight cylinder with 125 HP, three speed transmission, weight 4550#, dual side mounted tires, golf bag compartment, rumble seat, original trunk with original luggage, wire wheels (orange). The serial number is 2006687, which indicates this vehicle was built in November or December of 1929. There were around 6000 units built with 133"-wheel base in 1929 with no break down of models. The body is yellow with light green highlight. It has dark brown leather interior. There have been three owners since new. The present owner has owns this vehicle since 1970. When they got this vehicle it had 19,000 miles and now has 29,400 original miles. This is a very rare fine for a vehicle of this class in this condition. It will be a great showcase in your collection. If you have any other questions please contact Frank Upton at C-CARS at 316 689-0525 or 316 371-3000. You can email us for a complete set of photos on this vehicle at fupton@worldnet.att.net

Subject: senate-news(johannessen,press-releases): mojo introduces smog check bill Date: Fri, 26 Feb 1999 11:29:39 -0800 (PST) From: Senate-News-Reply@SEN.CA.GOV To: Recipients, of, johannessen, press-releases, messages

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: DEAN A. MCEWEN February 26, 1999 (916) 445-3353

SACRAMENTO: Senator Maurice Johannessen introduced legislation Friday which would eliminate some of the unnecessary smog testing of vehicles with after-market parts.

Currently, California requires vehicles to pass two types of smog check tests: functional as well as the tailpipe test. The bill, SB 1058, streamlines the "visual portion" of the smog inspection by limiting the equipment required to be inspected, thereby eliminating unnecessary inspection. Less time would be spent by motorists and inspectors, fewer burdens would be placed on referees, and less costs would be imposed on the state and consumers by the program.

A car enthusiast himself, Johannessen stated, "Motorists who upgrade their vehicles with after-market parts are often forced to see a referee even though their car may run more efficiently and cleanly. This is a complete waste of time, only benefiting those bureaucracies which this process creates."

Added Johannessen, "If tail-pipe emissions are coming out clean, it shouldn't matter at all what motor parts you have under the hood. This is a good consumer bill that does nothing to harm our air."

For a copy of Senate Bill 1058, contact either Cathy Evans (Legislative Aide) or Dean A. McEwen (Press Secretary) at (916) 445-3353.
Subject: Bumpers Date: Thu, 25 Feb 1999 22:43:36 EST From: ChuxGarage@aol.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net

(I, doc Hemp, had emailed Chuck (National Director of the CCCA) because I had seen V12 bumpers on 1933 Packard Super 8 100 point cars ... so wondered why no deductions for the wrong bumper .... well, here is why .... read below)

Not being a Packard Guy, I checked with some Packard Gurus. Three out of three of them assure me that V-12 bumpers were an option on Super 8's between 1932 & 1936. They were available from the factory, as well as a "dealer installed option." V-12 bumpers would be inappropriate on a lesser model, but perfectly acceptable on the Super 8. I learn something new every day...

Hope this info helps.

Subject: Painting Date: Thu, 25 Feb 1999 22:45:40 -0700 From: RLBurk rlburk@uswest.net To: Doc dochemp@c-zone.net

Hi, Dave & Becky,

I've been busy "painting" your favorite Christmas drawing (of mine) so I've neglected writing. Here it is for your page for Christmas '99 if you want to use it. I hope you like it. As predicted, the quilt drove me nuts. My eyes are shot as well as my mind.

Bob is going to San Diego this weekend, Yuma next weekend, and a week or two after that to Oklahoma. He's a busy little bee this time of year.

Our ostrich festival is the second weekend in March. It should be fun. They have races, food, jewelry (my brother and sister-in-law will be selling their shell jewelry), etc.

Hope your weather is treating you well. It's starting to warm up here. I hope summer doesn't get here too soon.

AM (Anna Marie Burk)

Again, Doc Hemp speaking here, Bob & Anna Marie Burk have helped & supported us with this ASC site since it's inception!! Anna Marie is one great artist!!! This is a sneak preview of the 1999 Xmas welcome folks! We all put in these many hours on artwork, the internet, sharing of our hobbies, etc. because we enjoy doing it .... and if some of you there enjoy viewing it here even better.
Subject: what a site! Date: Wed, 24 Feb 1999 09:56:35 -0500 From: "Shawn Miller" smiller@infotechcareers.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Doc and becky,

Thanks for the words of encouragement! I am amazed at the depth and quality of your site, definately the most comprehensive listing of neat stuff i have seen in a long time. I will set a link up immediately (as well as others I find in your site as i have time to really check it all out, if thats ok). As you can tell by our page I am just learning front page, and am a real rookie at this!

I am planning to head out there this year for Concours Italiano, who knows, maybe we will meet sometime!

Shawn Miller Indiana region CCCA
Subject: 1928 Rugby Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 18:17:03 -0500 From: Jorge Milberg milberg@h-speru.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Hi, my name is Jorge Milberg and I live in beautiful Lima, Peru in South America.

In this very special, although at times troubled country, there are a few guys that like me love vintage cars. In fact, we ha a rather decent collection, alll cars put together.

I am very new at this, but I own 3 cars: a 1969 280 SL Mercedes in outstanding condition, a 1929 Packerd in terrible condition that I purchased a month ago, and a 1928 Rugby that is being actively worked on.

Unfortunately I have no info on the Rugby. It is a very pretty 1928 Phaeton-like car. I have done all efforts to try to find info on the car so I can finish it to mint condition.

Can you help me... pictures of the car and all details of it would be incredibly helpful.


There is a picture of the exact same vehicle in Cars 1886 - 1930 published by AB Nordbok, Gotemburg, Sweden.

Thanks soooo much in advance,

Jorge Milberg
Subject: studebakers TV dicumentaries Date: Sun, 7 Feb 1999 20:27:12 +1100 From: "Ian Rowland" rolly@powerup.com.au To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Ian Rowland wrote:

Hi Doc!

Many thanks for putting out the feelers about Studes for me following my recent message.

My computer went into meltdown from the responses but I still need a simple response to my original question:

>>>>>This should tell you just a little bit of the interest in Studebakers still left in the world! You could also point any T.V. brass to our official ASC site to read only about 1% of the emails Becky & I receive in our reading rooms!

Has there ever been a TV documentary does on Studebakers? Is so when and where? Would there be much interest in another one if I can produce it?

>>>>>You also need to contact our editor of the ASC Review ... Richard T. Quinn .... one of the worlds leading automotive editors .... he would be the one for you to get together with from the get go ... has Studebaker's main interest ahead of his own .... if you know what I mean??? And Becky & I only do & donate all this hobby website stuff & don't really know Jack Sheeiiittt about Studebakers other than owning a gorgeous Roadster! Dick's phone or fax is (708) 479-2658 .. 20026 S. Wolf Rd. Mokena IL 60446.

I need to know these things before I proceed with pitching the idea to TV networks and video distributors.

Although I am not a Studebaker owner, I have soft spot for the cars as my late Dad had one in the 1950's.

I'm not sire what model it was as I was only a kid at the time but it was a huge grey limousine and one of dozens you yanks brought out here for use as staff cars during WW2, (My city of Brisbane was General Macarthur's headquarters and the place from where he launched and directed the Pacific campaign.)

Brisbane was a huge garrison city with up to half a million Yank troops here at any given time.

They outnumbered the total civilian population at times and our troops used to complain out them stealing the girsl.

The famous saying was: The Yanks only have three problems...They are OVERPAID, OVERSEXED...AND BLOODY-WELL OVER HERE!!

Back to Studebakers...

The cars pioneered road transport in both Australia and South Africa and they almost always won gruelling rallies over thousands of miles on almost non-existemt roads in the Outback and Bush. ( I recently showed shots of winning Studes in 1920's rallies and will send a copy of teh completed doco toytou on tape if you would like.)

>>>>>>sure ... just send it to our office address at C. David Hemp DDS Inc. 2315 N Bechelli Ln Redding CA 96002

I was considering as a title for a documentary:


>>>>>>I would only change the COUPES TO ROADSTERS .... the roadsters being convertibles & the coupes closed cars & not considered as valuable as collector pieces .... either one is great however.

Ian Rowland

>>>>>>Say, you aren't related to Keith Rowland over here that is Art Bell's (radio talk show host's) webmaster are you? Kieth's an alright guy ..... but this art bell guy is really wigged out ... hee-hee!

>>>>>>>Thanks for the email again, sorry for the computer meltdown!! The Studebaker response amazes me even to this day .... all the love for these cars from all parts of the world!!!! We bought our Roadster in 1973 from an Automotive Museum ... had to pay 2 x the book value to get it .... the value grew into the car later ... is part of the family ... have turned down amounts way above it's value as it is the only one of 2 of these roadsters left in the world & the other being a one off custom body from the cowl back done in New Zealand ... now owned by David Lane ... you have his email address too .... was a CC sent back with yours. .... he is in your back yard so to speak.

Tailwinds & sunshine,
Dave & Becky Hemp
Subject: congratulations Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 14:23:42 -0400 From: "Marcial López Barrientos" marcial@itn.cl To: dochemp@c-zone.net

permit me to congratulate you for the EXELENT page

as we say in chile

la cago pa buena!


Subject: 1933 continental beacon Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 00:22:14 +1000 From: "Michael and Stacy Hare" kristie@fan.net.au To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Hello , can you help me . I am restoreing a 1933 continental beacon 4cyl tourer.I am having a hard time finding any information on this vehicle , and cannot locate another owner of one in Australia . It is in very good condition and has about 25000 miles on the clock . It is complete except the front grill was stolen. Hopeing you can help me out with any info.
many thanks michael.
This is a very rare car ... only 3,310 were made in all model years ... it sold for $460 new. It was only produced in 1933 & 1934. We posted it in our Classic Car reading room ... hope someone can help you more that reads it.
good luck,
Doc Hemp
Subject: 1928 commander ew Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 21:02:14 -0800 From: "steve nisewander" harigoshi@email.msn.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net

WOW- what a great site. Thank goodness for the internet!

I have completed a restoration on my 1928 Commande EW and it's great. I am lacking interior door handles. I have three but the inside spline is striped out.
I found one fellow remanufacturing them but it is $110.00 each!
Do you have any ideas?

Subject: STUDEBAKER CARS Date: Sun, 31 Jan 1999 12:58:59 +1100 From: "Ian Rowland" rolly@powerup.com.au To: dochemp@c-zone.net









PO BOX 190
PH: 07 3357 5756
0414 619 270

Subject: Important Notice!!! Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 22:02:00 -0800 From: Harry Biggins hlbcoyote@snowcrest.net To: "Dave \"DOC\" & Becky Hemp" dochemp@c-zone.net

This notice is for all bad ass Bikers, ASC, CCCA & Packard Club members that frequent the Rocky Mountains,

Montana Grizzly Bear warning!!!...........Be Aware, this is important!!!

In light of the rising frequency of human/grizzly bear conflicts theMontana Department of Fish and Game is advising hikers, Hunters, and fisherman to take extra precautions and keep alert for bears while in the field.

We advise that outdoorsman wear noisy little bells on their clothing so as not to startle bears that aren't expecting them. We also advise outdoorsman to carry pepper spray with them in case of an encounter with a bear.

It is also a good idea to watch out for fresh signs of bear activity. Outdoorsman should recognize the difference between black bear and grizzly bear shit. Black bear shit is smaller and contains lots of berries and squirrel fur. Grizzly bear shit is larger and has little bells in it and smells like pepper.

Have a nice hike!!!!!!

This notice, complements of Smoky Bear.
Subject: Re: Ur Website Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 21:51:32 -0500 From: Marshall pacwebmaster@packardclub.org Organization: Packard Automobile Classics, Inc. (The Packard Club) To: dochemp dochemp@c-zone.net References: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5

Marshall wrote:


I am flattered when you call my website professional. I am self taught. I really don't want to be an officer or a judge, so the website is my contribution to the Hobby, completely gratis.

all 100 + sites I do are REALLY gratis .... no advertising taken on any! I pay for everything out of pocket ... all the web server space, etc. for all of it period!

I feel as you do about being an officer or judging or helping in any other way .... especially as we belong to over 30 organizations. I learned & still type all my html in by hand.

Most of what is at the website is from my personal collection, but I am willing to share with the intention of making an on-line encyclopedia about Packards. I appreciate your contribution.

At the present time, I don't have a links page except to other clubs.

You can link to our Official Antique Studebaker Club .... as the Official CCCA Site does ... you can get the logo from there or off our ASC Official Page http://www.classiccarclub.org/Links.htm


This is to protect the commercial vendors who fund my large website (over 3,000 web pages and over 2,000 pictures).

I to have over 2000 photos ... & have never counted all our pages.

At a date in the future, I will put up a page where members can add their favorite links, but I must make sure our advertisers don't balk.

Here's a couple other websites I did you may be interested in:

http://www.packardmuseum.org also
Very respectfully, Marshall...
Subject: tour of the century Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 08:32:39 -0600 From: "Bill Powell" leftybp@swbell.net To: dochemp@c-zone.net

A big thank you for your great photos.
pass along thanks to your folks who can afford owning these fine autos, for doing so, and not just keeping the money in the bank. So many are selfish these days.
Again I say THANK YOU ALL.
Subject: (no subject) Date: Sun, 24 Jan 1999 09:48:10 EST From: Moe6635@aol.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net


Subject: Neat Site ,frm C.C.C. Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1999 18:54:25 -0600 From: "Al and Kathy Ward" alkathy@sat.net To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Hey Guys;
Your sight is great! Really enjoyed going through it . My name is Al Ward a Member of a small club in Crockett,Texas: CROCKETT CLASSIC CRUISERS.
We have a few interesting cars in the club: '26 Ford 4dr& '23 T Bucket,'56,Vic, '56 Crown, '57 Port hole roof T'bird, '52 Vic, '57 Chevy [2dr. Hdtp. all original 44k original miles], '631/2 Frd ,Galaxie 500 [WOW], '55 Frd P.U.w/ Street Blower,.Some of the guys have sold a few really neat ones , but this E-m is long enough. Just wanted to let you know what great site you have and I know I wish our club could do something like this.
Al Ward .... alkathy@sat.net
Subject: nice and enjoyable web page Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1999 11:20:01 -0800 From: "greg swanson" goombah@email.msn.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Being a harley owner, rider, fixer,restorer,and just plain havin fun type of person, along with my beautiful(inside and out lovely lady lynette), I had the urge to tell you that your web page is terrific, plus full of very interesting reading!! Thanks for taking the time to develop and produce something that many people can truly enjoy, plus the links!!

We live in Modesto, own and operate mobile-food concessions at approx.50% of the Fairs in Calif.Also work the Goodguys shows in Pleasanton,Calif.Lynettes cousin by marriage(former) owns and operates Rawlings Motor Maniacs in Fresno.Clyde Rawlings.They specialize in older Harleys, knuckles,pans, shovels, and of course, evos.If it was made, and you can't find it, look there!

For xmas, 1998, I was presented with a new( or should I say established) bike from Lynette.A completely restored, rebuilt,etc, 1965 FLH, 169 miles!! Red and White, none nicer.What a thrill to have a mate that gets just as excited as I when it comes to having the same perscription for headaches!We also are old car and truck collectors, as well.We currently have approx 15, from 1928 International six-speed specials, to little pregnant roller skates, Nash metropolitans.Always looking to meet new people, especially those whom share similar interests.If you ever go to a local Fair, such as Ventura, Sacremento, Del Mar, etc, look us up, stop and have lunch on us!! Rawlings Concessions, and Event Food Services.I'm Greg Swanson, the lady is Lynette Rawlings.

Ride safe, and enjoy the view!!
Subject: Your Web page. Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 17:57:39 -0200 From: Mitch Bennett mb7644@carol.net To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Lots of fun. Broke a tooth eating a tootsie pop waiting for the page tocome up. But don't worry, I'm from SC so I won't be trying to make an appointment. Found your pages looking for Studebakers. Really like the old cars but my interest has always been in the Hawks.
Thanks for the fun.
Subject: Re: Thanks Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1999 07:35:00 -0800 From: dochemp dochemp@c-zone.net Organization: C. David Hemp DDS Inc. To: jjmack@bsi-ny.com References: 1

JJ Mack wrote:

> Awesome site...philosopy, humor and overall fun. I've shared it with all > of my friends. (both of them)

Hee-hee!!!!!! Great sense of humor! .... hope both your friends have as good a one!
Doc & Becky

..... Oh & thanks for the kind words!!!!

> > > JoJo
Subject: The things you find in the strangest places!!! Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1999 15:36:08 +1100 From: "Anthony & Sheila Egan" as.egan@hunterlink.net.au To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Here I am surfin' the net and what do I find? A Packard that looks very familiar.

Frank Irvine wrote:

to Dave & Becky ;

Thanks a lot for this whirlpool of fascinating trail with seemingly unending path ways .

I am a 86 year young male with all the ailments shared by all seniors .

I have had this ####*^ (:-( . For 8 mos Finaly can move around a bit .

(your site) .... It sure shortened my lonly time
Love your show
Hey Frank!!!!

Thanks for the kind words!!!!!!! This site is here just for such reasons!!! you can hang with us (Becky, me (doc) & all our other viewers here at BAD Chariots in the new internet world all day long or anytime of the day or night!!!) If this brings a few smiles to a few faces it is all the reward we ever need!!!!

Thank you so much for letting us lighted your day!!!
I am posting your email but without the address so some predator doesn't try to take advantage of you.

kindest of regards,
Becky & Doc Hemp
Subject: Re: Don's car Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 21:48:42 +0000 From: Chuck Conrad conradc@ix.netcom.com To: dochemp dochemp@c-zone.net References: 1 , 2

Chuck Conrad wrote:

That's a good tour of Don's Car!

CCCA has me very busy, plus I serve on a couple of AACA National Committees. I was informed the other day that I have been elected to the position of "Trustee" at the Gilmore Classic Car Museum in Hickory Corners, Michigan. Hell, I didn't even know I was nominated!

>>>>>If you want anything done .... give it to a busy person!!

>>>>>Congratulations on the appointment ... that is really an honor to have your Peers think that much of you!!

>>>>>The internet is wonderful ... Becky & I can't wait to meet you & Diane some day.

Anyway, I am a member of CCCA, AACA, VMCCA and RROC. They have lots of local activities in the Dallas area that has me pretty busy, since I still work for a living.

>>>>I still work too ... may never retire ... really enjoy what I do ... but just don't want to do too much of it.

I'm sad to say I don't really have any good pictures of my Buick, but I'll look around for some. My 39 Rolls and 36 Bentley are on CCCA's web site as part of my experiments with scanning. You're certainly welcome to these pictures, and I'll look for something better. One day I need to take some really decent pictures of all my cars, but it's a little like the old story of the shoemaker's family that had no shoes.

>>>>Thanks I will.

BTW, I set up the Studebaker link.

>>>>>Thanks from all of us at the ASC

By for now,

>>>>>Thanks for you support on our websites, if it's okay with the N Ca Region we will turn our Classic Car Site into the official N CA Site.

>>>Dave (doc) Hemp

>>>>>>>Just a note to our viewers, Chuck is the Director of the CCCA & is also their Webmaster & doing a hellofa job at both ... not to mention all the other things he obviously does well too.
Doc Hemp
Subject: Re: your Lasalle Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 11:34:58 -0600 From: "Don Hoelscher" dhoelsch@mail.win.org To: "dochemp" dochemp@c-zone.net

That is great. Thanks a bunch.
I already sent it on to my son in Detroit to look your site up.
Keep up the great work.
Don Hoelscher
Subject: My Cars Date: Sat, 16 Jan 1999 13:41:17 -0600 From: "Don Hoelscher" dhoelsch@mail.win.org To: "dochemp" dochemp@c-zone.net

Dear Doc,
I don't have a scanner (need to get ont, any suggestions on a good model no?)
My son took some Digital pictures last year with a "fair" Camera. I have attached copies of my 1941 Cadillac and 1929 LaSalle (several views).
You continue to amaze me with your web sites, great job.
I really enjoyed the photo of your train (I am into "O and O27" gage). The picture is very clear-did you take it with a digital camera? If so what brand and model?
If I ever get out your way I would like to give you a call and maybe I could see your "toys"
Your new Packard looks good, I am sure you will really enjoy it.
Let me know if the pictures are ok.
Talk to you latter.
Don Hoelscher
Subject: Compliments Date: Sat, 16 Jan 1999 10:44:44 -0600 From: "Larry Campbell" lcampbel@texoma.net To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Dave and Becky,

Compliments for such a varied website with the music, humor, dental info, and especially the cars! I am also a D.D.S. and I also have some cars, although on a much more humble scale. I have a 1939 Packard coupe that went over Independence Pass in Colorado this past summer on the Americruise. I also have a 1939 Oldsmobile sedan that we took to other Americruises to Peoria, Ill. and Lincoln, Neb. Finally, I have a 1946 Mercury coupe that hasn't been anywhere except to a couple of local (north Texas) car shows. These old cars sure are fun. My wife has always wanted us to get a really old and nice car like the early era ones on your website.
Thanks for the effort to make the site available.
Larry Campbell
Sherman, Texas
Subject: We are new to the Net and "Kids of the Fabulous Fifties also. we enjoy Date: Sat, 16 Jan 1999 01:25:28 -0600 (CST) From: hudmel@webtv.net (Hudson Williams) To: dochemp@c-zone.net

We are new to the Net and "Kids of the Fabulous Fifties also. we enjoyed your web site. any advice on the best place on the net to see some nice pictures of Antique Cars would be welcome. Your photos are jewels!
Melba and Hudson Williams from Clinton,Ms.
Dear Hudsons,
Thanks for the kind words,
Have you been & seen all of our car sites? antiques, Studebakers, classics, sportcars, etc.? All have photos .... sorry to say ... you will find very few sites like ours that are not financially motivated.
Dave & Becky
Subject: Re: Letter Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 08:43:37 -0500 (EST) From: Stephen Kriss sck1@is2.nyu.edu To: dochemp dochemp@c-zone.net

Folks, this following email is from the fellow that saw we were looking for this Nov 20, 1943 Saturday Evening Post in which there was an article about my Uncle Herb (a B 25 Mitchell Bomber Pilot in the China theater during world war 2 - done just before he & crew were shot down & killed) as posted on our airplane pages out of BAD Chariots .... Steve saw our request for that magazine & contacted us ... he only wanted $10.00 including shipping for it ...... now that may be the going price for these ..... but not that one special date for us!!
We sent him more for finding our wants from the internet for this special magazine!! We do not collect magazines ...... only this special one! Uncle Herb was awarded 4 Purple Hearts, the Air Medal & the Flying Cross. I feel it is my responsibility to live his life for him too .... which he & other Veterans gave up to protect all of us. To enjoy the freedom of this wonderful country & what it has to offer.
Thank you again Stephen Kriss.
Dave Hemp

At 05:02 PM 1/14/99 -0800, you wrote: >Steve, >we really appreciated your contacting us on the magazine .... we felt >you didn't charge enough .... wanted to wait & see if you were for real >with your offer first though and that we actually got the magazine before we sent you some more money .... we are glad you are. We only had >copies of the front & the article before.
Do you have a website we can >link to? Do you do this commercially? If so we will give you a plug >with your address & phone # ... just email it to me again to post. >kindest regards, >Dave & Becky

> Hi Dave and Becky.

I have been selling vintage magazines and paper collectibles part time since 1980. I will be retiring in two years and then will probably have the time to "fool around" with a web site and update it on a routine and timely basis.

I am aware what dealers charge for various vintage magazines and the higher prices for searching and individual covers, etc., and that I can easily receive those prices for my inventory. However, I am not in a full time business with overhead to worry about, and enjoy attempting to find or sell an item at a price that makes one happy and gives me a small profit (which is at present being used to complete a set of Saturday Evening Posts from 1900-1949).

I can be contacted through the above email address or at 30 East 9th Street, New York, NY 10003, should you wish to recommend me.

Once again, thanks for your generosity, concern and good thoughts.

All the best,
As the Commissioner of The Internet Collectibles Awards, I want to congratulate you again on being nominated with the ICA - Antiques Site of the Year Award.
Good Luck in the 1999 Internet Antiques Awards!

With Friendship,

Deacon Jones
NFL Hall of Fame
Subject: Re: Packard? Date: Tue, 05 Jan 1999 21:55:45 +0000 From: Chuck Conrad conradc@ix.netcom.com To: dochemp dochemp@c-zone.net References: 1 , 2

Chuck Conrad wrote:

> << i kicked all the ones out that didn't laugh at my jokes - hee-hee!>>
> What's the matter? Didn't you have enough NO2?

Well. you know what they say to do if they can't take a joke!

Seriously, thanks for the compliments. I'm a newbie to this web master stuff and got stuck with the job for two reasons:
1. I'm the newest National Director.
2. I could find the "power" switch on two out of the three computers at our club's National Headquarters.

It's nothing more than that, but I'm having fun and meeting new and interesting people like yourself. CCCA is full of characters, and I'm certainly one of them, but then again, so are you. It's funny that you should mention Harley folks, but contrary to what most people would guess, I've found them to be some of the nicest people I've ever met.
They at least appreciate strange an unusual vehicles and accept people at face value, which isn't a bad way to approach life.

Thanks again for your thoughts.

Best regards

Chuck Conrad
Subject: Re: Ozarks Revisited CARavan Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1999 20:01:38 -0600 From: "Don Hoelscher" dhoelsch@mail.win.org To: "dochemp" dochemp@c-zone.net

Thank you for your reply.
I like the train and it sounds like you have a lot of things going on. We have been pushing nation on the web sites and we are leaving tomorrow to go to the CCCA annual meeting in Cleveland and Chuck has indicated that we will be taking about additional features (like email to National Headquarters, etc) at the meeting. I will be pushing it as well.
Keep up the great work in your area.
Keep in touch
Don Hoelscher

Subject: Ozarks Revisited CARavan Date: Mon, 4 Jan 1999 19:57:11 -0600 From: "Don Hoelscher" dhoelsch@mail.win.org To: dochemp@c-zone.net

The Spirit of St. Louis region of the CCCA would like to welcome you to join us on our CARavan this year (you said you wanted to make some tours).
The CARavan is June 18-June 26, 1999.
I would also like to thank you for listing our web site on yours and compliment you on your site. Nice job.
Don Hoelscher
email dhoelsch@mail.win.org

Subject: Re: Great site U have! Date: Sat, 2 Jan 1999 16:07:32 EST From: MLHASSEL@aol.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net

Doc and Becky:

Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I had the PC in the shop getting more RAM and a rewritable CD burner installed. Since I do a lot of graphics, this was the answer and Sylvia, my girlfriend, decided this would be a fitting Christmas present. I'm giving the PC a little shakedown cruise now before I install Windows '98. I can't wait to look at your web sites. This is my first attempt at building a web site and I still have a few bugs to work out as well as some updating of officers.

I would like to do some CARavans but I'm in the process of restoring the 1931 Cadillac. It has rust at the bottom of each door and in the fenders so it will be awhile before I'm ready to tour. I also need to rework the top end of the engine. I've also sent in an advertisement to the National to sell the car. I figure I will either sell it first or continue restoring it and keep it, whichever comes first. I don't know if I'm really up to the project.

I'm glad you wrote. I'm glad someone found us and all my work wasn't wasted. As far as I know, we are the only region to be found on the Web. I would be interested to learn if any other CCCA region is listed?


Martin (Larry) Hassel

We are looking for a 33 Packard open car ... if you know of any, please let us know ..... don't know whether to get several drivers or one or two 100 point car & never drive them ... just show them ..... We have the 30 Studebaker President Roadster to tour in. We have never had a car we didn't drive .... will prolly go that way.

I have you linked here, through our Cool Links Room .... it will take days to see & hear everything on all our web sites. we get over 1 million hits/year in total on them.

Please send me a photo of you & your family with your car to put up here when you get the time .... scan it & save it as a jpeg or a bmp or a tiff is okay too. I can change them, etc.

Dave & Becky Hemp
Subject: Pacard Date: Fri, 01 Jan 1999 20:17:37 +0000 From: Chuck Conrad conradc@ix.netcom.com To: dochemp@c-zone.ne

Chuck Conrad wrote:

I thought you might like to know I fixed the typo and edited your correction. I hope you have success with your quest. Please feel free to visit CCCA's BBS anytime.

Happy New Year,

Chuck Conrad
Subject: Technical Forum Date: Tue, 29 Dec 1998 04:43:14 -0800 From: "John C. Meyer III" john@horseless.com Organization: Horseless Carriage Gazette To: "C. David Hemp DDS" dochemp@c-zone.net

Good Morning!

I am pleased to announce that the Horseless Carriage Club's web page now includes a technical forum.

Hobbyists may now post a question and (hopefully) it will be answered by one of our members.

This page is located in the "members only" section of "horseless.com"

A word of caution: While everything looks fine now, until a few "posts" come in, I cannot be sure. Please give it a try before we inform the rest of our members.

John C. Meyer III
editor, Horseless Carriage Gazette and Webmaster
24244 Hamlin St
West Hills CA 91307-2825

818/703-7421 or fax: 818/703-8421
Subject: Race team and equipment haulers with living quarters Date: Mon, 28 Dec 1998 19:55:16 -0700 From: "Sam Baughman" guitarsb@wans.net To: dochemp@c-zone.net


I saw your race team’s great web site. You have an impressive set up and a very professional looking organization. I am a fan of racing of all kinds and one that has always wanted to participate.

I represent a company that manufactures products that may be of interest to your team. Trailers capable of carrying multiple racecars overhead with a shop below, toter homes and motorhomes with garages built on medium duty truck chassis and larger. I am attaching a couple of pictures for your review plus you can see an example of the products at www.kibbi.com.

If you would like more information or would like to discuss any of the products or our capabilities please call me or e-mail me. You can reach me at guitarsb@wans.net or my cell number is 602-432-6991. Thanks and good luck next year!

Sam Baughman

Subject: Re: Message board Date: Tue, 29 Dec 1998 16:31:55 EST From: ChuxGarage@aol.com To: dochemp@c-zone.net

In a message dated 12/27/98 12:21:30 PM Central Standard Time, dochemp@c- zone.net writes:

<< just left a message on your ccca board, becky & i have just rejoined the ccca ... you are really doing a great job on the ccca website -- please see our comments there. happy holidays to your & yours! >>

Thanks for stopping in at our "new and (hopefully) improved" website More importantly, I'm glad you chose to rejoin. Welcome back!

Chuck Conrad

Subject: Gee whizz - Classic P 51 Mustang War Birds! Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 19:59:28 -0700 From: "Stan Kurzet" skurzet@email.msn.com To: "Dave & Becky Hemp" dochemp@c-zone.net

Your taking time to respond to email is very much appreciated. Your stuff is both interesting and entertaining. The picture of Santa and the "present" is particularly appreciated. Always get excited when I see something like that. Wish I could remember why!

I don't have any scheduled obligations such as you, having to be at the drilling site at specific times. The time and effort you take to respond is a class act! But if you don't put so much time into responding I'll certainly understand. With your fantastic site and all the things you're into, I know you must have a legion of people sending you email.

On the topic at hand, I bought my 51's in the early sixties. I paid 5K for the first (5439V) owned by an aircraft mechanic at the Carlsbad airport. The second, only 300 hours on it, cost me 20K. A doctor in Grand Junction, Co. bought it in Dallas, flew it home, nosed it in on landing and creamed the prop and the left gear pork chop. The doc decided that the Beech, fork- tailed doctor-killer would be a better bet. We (Soup Hoisington from Aerosport at Chino and I) fixed it up and flew it home. The third was the TF. A guy in Chicago brought it in from Nicaragua and I bought it from him after he ran out of money (something a 51 will do very quickly) for 13K! Fixed it up and sold it to the Bolivians for a hell of a profit (after having a blast in it for a while). They were going to use it to train pilots to deal with their commie inspired tin miner revolt. The poor slobs augured it into a smoking hole within the week they got it. My third and last one, the one from the doctor was sold to the US Air Force at Edwards AFB around 1969 to be used as a chase plane on an Army helicopter (Cheyenne) flight test program. When I flew it in there to deliver it, half the base turned out to see it. There were a lot of old "brown shoe" Air Corps guys still around at the time. A grizzled old Colonel with an enormous fruit salad on his chest got tears in his eyes when he climbed up on the wing to greet me. No, no, it was the airplane, not me.

We have a little place on the beach in Tahiti. A friend of ours there, who owns the local airline, also has a 51 he plays with. The last time I saw Hoisington, (your son probably knew him) was there about 7 or 8 years ago. I heard Soup died a few years ago.

Much as I loved flying the 51 and F-8, I must insist that the most fun one can have with his pants on is flying the Lear. At 7 nautical miles per minute, one has to be ahead of the airplane or make a mess. Another toy I had great fun with was my Hughes 400-D helo. Put about 600 hours into that but one year a lot of them made smoking holes in expensive places and the insurance company thought that maybe 45 G's was a fair annual premium. That's when that came to a screeching halt. The guy who taught me to fly helo's was once a command pilot on Marine One for Tricky Dickie. Hell of a guy. Did 2 tours in Nam and retired early as a full bird Colonel.

I don't mean to impose on your time as much as I clearly have. Just let me know you got my email. Netscape provides for a return receipt. I have not been able to find that feature in the Evil Empire's Internet Exploiter which I use on the machine here in Ca.

Anyhoo I still have a number of active flying pals and will put out feelers for a Pee 51, but I understand they are quite pricy nowadays. About two orders of magnitude over the 30 year ago bracket. Pity, we had 15,000 of them once and the Adam Henries turned most of them into pots, pans and beer cans. Back when I was in the game, I picked up 6 fresh overhaul engines in QEC from Victory Salvage in LA for $500 bucks each, crated. Understand a serviceable Merlin today is worth six figures. How times change.



PS. A good portion of my little air force, one of the 51's, the Bearcat, SNJ and T-6 all appeared in the movie "Wings of Fire" which was shot at my home base, Bracket Field, in La Verne, Ca. (Suzanne Pleshette and Lloyd Nolan, etc.) I'm sure I have a copy of it someplace on VHS. Send your snail mail 10-20 and when I find it I'll send it. Frank Talman (God rest him) flew the F-8 and I can't remember who flew the 51. They refused to let me fly unless I agreed to join some damned union. Much as I wanted to do it, unions are against my religion. My political passions are well to the right of my hero, Genges Khan, and for me to join a union would have the same result as Dracula walking out into the sunlight.

By the way, saw a neat Sony Digital camera today. It's like the Mavica, with a floppy drive in it to store 40 stills or 1 minute of motion and sound at 1024 by 768 and also has USB but even better, has 14 to 1 optical zoom and good camera quality glass. One Killobuck even at Fry's Electronics. Smart money says the New Sony 200 Mbyte floppy will be in the next model within a few months. In the meantime, I think Olympus still provides the most bang for a killobuck.

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