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  2. Go to the Radio Control Airplane Email Reading Room
    Many, Many photos of Planes from Germany with Doc Mike DDS ... a very good friend of ours and also Thorne and James Stalling's R.C. planes ... some of these planes on this page are 1/3rd scale.
  3. Go to the (NEW) Shasta Electic Flyers Radio Control Page
  4. Go to the (NEW) Ash Creek Flying Radio Control Page
  5. Go to Our(NEW) Private "Electric Posse" R.C. Club

    This site is part of & made possible by the B.A.D. CHARIOTS - (Harleys, Racing, Trains, Planes & Automobiles) and Doc Hemp's DENTAL SITE Homepages! So, Please visit Dave & Becky's other 150 urls there too! After visiting this great page of course! Also visit our world class hi-tech Music Room!

    Stu Cox in his Ultra Light! Sun Seeker Serial # 0001

    Carol Oczkewecz with a friend in his "Breezy" 1200lbs. Lycoming 90 hp engine with a Piper Cub wing!

    Tom & Carol Oczkewecz with their Spam Can! 1966 Cessna 182. Tom & Ruth, I mean Carol from Ruth, fly in for their dental apts! Their arms really got tired, that's why they bought this plane! Hee-hee

    Russ & Suzy Greenberg in their Stearman Bi-wing!

    Wes Hemp - our son = Airframe & Powerplant licensed Aircraft Mechanic, in front of a P51 Mustang at Cal-Pacific Aeromotive where Wes worked for 5 years restoring mostly P51s. Wes is also a licensed pilot.

    Below see Donna Taylor with Jane Lamar. Donna is on the right! Donna has raced this plane all over the world!

    Above is a photo of a 1931 4 Season Studebaker President Roadster & a 1943 Stearman, model N2S-3! Used extenstively between 1936 & 1945. One very lucky young man is the current owner of both!!!! His name is Ben Margerum & he lives in Monkton, Maryland. The Studebaker was Ben's 1996 Christmas gift from his father Mike Margerum. Mike had purchased this car over 25years ago from SDC founder Harry Barnes. This photo & text the complements of the Antique Studebaker Club & editor Dick Quinn. (a note from Doc Hemp - Mike Margerum & Dick Quinn have helped me many times over the past 24 years with the documentation, microfilm, etc. of my Late 1930 Studebaker President Roadster of which I am very greatful!)

    This is Curly & Doreen Medina's 1928 Bi-wing Airplane = a blast to fly! I twisted it in the sky once!

    This is Curly & Doreen - Curly cut my hair (until he retired on me!) & they have been patients for a millenium!

    Our new friends, Thorne & Jana Stallings. Thorne and I (Doc Hemp) have a lot in common ...Our philosophy of life, Racing, dirt bikes in the old days, Harleys, fast cars, love of planes (I still plan on my license someday).
    Thorne was born and raised in Oklahoma. Shortly after graduating from Northwestern State University, he went with Northwest Airlines and retired early as a Captain. In addition he has also served as a high level exceutive in Banking, Oil Field Manufacturing, and Automotive related industries. He has written 3 novels, all which are fast moving, action packed adventurous dramas with historical and aviation themes guaranteed to keep you glued to your chair! Click on the photo above to go to his page we made for him and Jana.

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